International Council for Education, Research and Training

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ICERT Journals and Magazine

About I C E R T

International Council for Education, Research and Training is an autonomous non-government leading scientific and professional research & training organization with offices located in various countries. With several educators, researchers, consultants, and students as members, ICERT not only develops Educational Training Programs but also manages institutes, and promotes research and training in education globally. This is an institution of learning and training facilitating education, research and social welfare initiatives.

Publication Division

The research and publication division of ICERT is assigned the responsibility for the ICERT publication. All publications are reviewed by the editorial board of journals and magazine before publication as per the ICERT Publication Policy. Reviewers play a critical role in maintaining the quality and integrity of academic research. Reviewers shall recognize the importance of upholding the highest ethical standards in their work and pledge to adhere to the following ethical statements, Confidentiality, Objectivity and impartiality, Timeliness, Professionalism, and Constructive feedback.

In academic life, it is said, one must publish or perish. Publication facilitates the open exchange of information among researchers and exposes research data and findings to the scrutiny of the larger education community. It also documents who is first with new ideas or discoveries, demonstrates productive use of research data, and provides a record by which a research career can be judged. For these reasons, publication has a prominent role in advancement, promotion, and continued research sustainability. 

In pursuit of publication and, more specifically, of credit, prospective authors can have serious differences of opinion about when to publish, what to publish, and how credit should be apportioned. 

We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our publishing practices. We welcome submissions from researchers of all backgrounds and strive to ensure that our editorial and review processes are free from bias and discrimination. 

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