Social Welfare
ICERT as a Not-for-Profit, organization, and an institute of learning and training with unerring focus on serving the society globally in different domains. ICERT bylaws establish our major structure to ensure smooth and democratic operations.
Different ICERT divisions work in tandem to empower the community in education, research, training on skills, and promoting advancement in different community welfare domains. ICERT Social Welfare Division especially working in women empowerment, empowering youth on skills & competencies for sustainable future, promoting education, training youth and women, collaborating with industries, government departments, education institutes and various other organization to bring positive change in society.
ICERT Social Welfare Division Slogan:
Empowering Communities, Promoting Learning and Development Globally
With this slogan, team ICERT as recognized partner, is working towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Team ICERT affirms and supports the UN’s SDG, recognizing their momentum and the opportunities they create to foster social, economic and ecological transformational change globally. ICERT takes sustainability as pattern, practices and policies that establish long term solutions for nurturing the wellbeing of entire ecosystem including current and future generations. For sustainability, mere awareness is insufficient and the human being must be empowered to act as agent for change. We recognize, address, assert, invite, advocate, integrate, and support the communities for the implications of the policies for achieving SDGs.

Source: Sustainable Development Goals | United Nations
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