Effects of Cell Phones on the Social Interaction of Preteens and Its Implication for Christian Education
Amuda, Oluwakemi Olajumoke
Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso
The adhesion of preteens to cell phones anytime they have the opportunity to access one is very unsatisfactory considering the effect of it on their social interaction. Preteens are children between 10-12 years that crave adult status and will always revolt when been referred to as children. Preteens as social being are created to enjoy the company of their peers while disassociating themselves from the adult. Today, preteen’s enthusiasm to be in the midst of their peers has been replaced with watching films and cartoons, browsing, chatting and playing games on cell phones. Preteens’ attachment to cell phones makes it difficult for them to strike a balance between virtual and onsite relationships. The thrust of this paper therefore is to examine the effects of cell phones on the social interaction of preteens and the implications of these effects for Christian educators working among preteens. The research combines library research, observation and interview. It is expedient to make preteens realize that the use of cell phones is good as it makes life more comfortable for man but the place of face-to-face interaction with their peers and people around them is also important. The paper recommends that Christian educators can help to mitigate the effects of cell phones on the social interaction of preteens through intercession, discussion, teaching, nourishing, parents’ education and Christian educators’ exemplary living.
Keywords: Preteens, Cell Phones, Social Interaction, Peers, Christian Educators
Impact statement
Socially, preteens, children between ages 10-12 love identifying with their friends, disassociating themselves from grownups. This is one attribute that is common in the findings of philosophers, theorists and researchers about this age grade. Today, as observed by this researcher, preteens’ enthusiasm to be in the midst of their peers has been replaced with watching films and cartoons, browsing, chatting and playing games on cell phones. The paper has examined the effects of cell phones on the social interaction of preteens and the implications of these for Christian educators working among preteens. The interaction with some preteens and their parents in the course of the research afford the researcher the opportunity to help them realize that cell phones make life more comfortable for man but must not replace face-to-face interaction. The research is also an eye opener to further research; this include factors promoting the use of phones by preteens.
About Author
Oluwakemi Olajumoke Amuda is a minister of the Nigerian Baptist Convention and a theological educator. She is a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso. She is a researcher in the field of Childhood Education. She is currently a PhD candidate at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary Ogbomoso and has authored different works.
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