Ms. Gillella Vedavati| Page No. 28-43
Herbert Spencer introduced the phrase in his 1864 book -principles of biology “Survival of the Fittest”. It’s the nature of the law and describes how well-adopted one is to its environment. If one is not responsive to change and updated will be outdated and eliminated from the Eco system of education too. Hence, NEP-2020 makes a clarion call for implementation of its polices and act as beacon for teacher educators to be motivated, skilled, capable, and updated with the trendy teaching technologies.
Education is the continuous process of gaining knowledge, skills, values and morals for complete human potential. It is considered to be the sole best tool for social and individual improvement, leading to social justice and equality in society. The formal education has 4 verticals: infrastructure, students, educators and curricula. Among these, educators play a crucial and vital role in making the targets of NEP-2020 successful…..Read More