International Council for Education, Research and Training

Aims and Scope

Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal is an international scholarly/ academic journal, peer-reviewed/ refereed journal for faculty, researchers and research scholars. The journal serves as a platform for the exchange of the innovative ideas, data and information related to the social sciences, science, computer science, technology & engineering, psychological science, management, defence education, political science development of education, health, and other disciplines for the welfare of community. Articles focus upon concepts, practices and research in multiple disciplines. The journal invites articles in English language only. All articles undergo initial editor screening, peer review and review by the editorial board. Articles/ manuscripts submitted by the authors with author declaration and copy rights to publish are the property of ICERT, the journal is open access journal under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Open Access Statement:

Edumania is an open access journal which means the content is freely available without any charges to the users or institutions for the welfare of education fraternity and society. Researchers/ users are allowed to download, copy, print, search, or links to the full text articles, etc. for the lawful purpose. The journal doesn’t charge any article processing fee or author fee.

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