International Council for Education, Research and Training

A General Overview of Recent Big Data Applications and Social Media Platforms


Upadhyay, Lata V.1 and Domadiya, Dipti H.2

1Assistant Professor, M.V.M. College of Com., Mgt. & I.T., Rajkot

2Associate Professor, National Computer College, Jamnagar




The exponential expansion of technology in recent years and rising data production are primarily changing the way businesses and individual industries are working. Technical advances have led to a major amount of data related to various fields which is currently generated in our daily life. Governments, businesses, and research institutions are beginning to understand how crucial it is to use this data to further their missions. As a result, Big Data research has become increasingly popular among academics working in various fields of study. We provide an overview of big data and its potential applications across a range of industries in this paper. Social media feeds are full of impending for analysis and data mining. Platform providers are beginning to limit unrestricted access to this kind of data as they become aware of its potential. This change presents significant difficulties for social inventers and other nonprofit researchers that examine public posts in an effort to better understand human behavior and enhance human welfare. This paper pursues to outline some of the topical modifications in social media data analysis. Some of the most influential and popular social media platforms are also discussed. 


Keywords: Big Data, Healthcare, Energy, Transportation, Auto Car Driving, Internet of Things.


Impact Statement


This paper, “A General Overview of Recent Big Data Applications and Social Media Platforms” provides a comprehensive exploration of the symbiotic relationship between big data applications and social media platforms. By synthesizing recent developments, it illuminates the pervasive influence of data analytics on social media, enriching academic discourse and offering practical insights for industry professionals. The research underscores the profound impact on user experiences, decision-making processes, and innovation across sectors. Addressing privacy and ethical considerations, the paper serves as a roadmap for navigating the evolving landscape of big data and social media integration. As a timely and insightful overview, it not only consolidates current knowledge but also stimulates critical thinking, guiding future research and contributing to inform and responsible technological advancements. This study acts as a catalyst for ongoing discussions on the transformative power of big data in the digital age, shaping the trajectory of technology and society.


About Author/s


Lata V. Upadhyay and Dr. Dipti H. Domadiya, distinguished scholars with each boasting over 15+ years of experience in academia, collectively contribute a wealth of knowledge and expertise to their respective fields. Throughout their extensive careers, they have held pivotal roles in academia, including professorships and leadership positions at renowned institutions. Their scholarly impact is evident through a prolific publication record in esteemed journals and active participation in international conferences, solidifying their positions as thought leaders in Big Data and Data Mining. Beyond their research accomplishments, both authors have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to mentorship and community engagement. With a collective passion for advancing knowledge and addressing contemporary challenges, Lata V. Upadhyay and Dr. Dipti H. Domadiya continue to shape the academic landscape, leaving a lasting impact on students, colleagues, and the broader scholarly community. Their enduring contributions reflect a commitment to excellence, innovation, and the continued advancement of their respective fields.



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