International Council for Education, Research and Training

Hindrances Of Geography Teachers Ict Competence In Public Secondary Schools In Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna

State Nigeria


Aminu, Jamoh Fatima

Department Of Science Education, Faculty Of Education Kaduna State University



The study investigated the Hindrances of Geography teachers ICT Competence in Public Secondary Schools Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State. The researcher deployed descriptive survey research using 40 Geography Teachers as study Sample and two questionnaires as research instruments. First Questionnaire:  level of ICT competence among Geography Teachers (LOGTIC) with face validity index 72.2 Content validity index 0.74 and reliability coefficient 0.81. Second Questionnaire:   Hindrances of Geography Teachers ICT Competence Questionnaire (HGTICQ) face validity index 83.6 content validity index 0.77 and reliability coefficient 0.71. Data collected analyzed using frequency and percentage. The study found out that: the percentage of male geography ICT competence teacher are more than the female and the factors that hider geography teachers both affects the male and female geography teachers ICT competence for teaching geography in public senior secondary schools. The researcher recommended among others: Government should create awareness of the danger of lack ICT knowledge and skills in schools to the entire public. Training and retraining of teachers to be good and update their ICT knowledge and skills, and Government should take the lead in eradicating all forms of factors hindering teachers ICT competence in public secondary schools, by among others providing good electricity power supply, basic infrastructures and good maintenance and management techniques.


Keywords: Hindrance, Geography Teacher, ICT Competence and Secondary Schools.


Impact Statement

Both technological and managerial hindrances impede geography teachers’ proficiency in utilizing ICT facilities and technology in public secondary schools in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State. Inadequate power supply, ICT facilities, geography software and unaffordable data bundle are some of the technological hindrances and Inadequate training, practice time, lack of access to ICT facilities, interest to learn, encouragement and expertise are some of the managerial hindrances that affects geography teachers ICT competence. There is a need to increase investments in ICT infrastructure, training, geography curriculum revision and establishment of supportive environment that foster a positive attitude towards ICT adaptation among geography teachers in other to cave out the hindrances. Impact audience include: educational policy makers, education stakeholders, school management and geography teacher.


About Author

Jamoh Fatima Aminu, an accomplished professional, served in various capacities at the Ministry of Agriculture, Kaduna State, including as a Land Resource Officer, AGRA Project Coordinator, and Youth Policy Coordinator. She now excels as an Assistant Lecturer at Kaduna State University, while also contributing as the Treasurer of the School Base Committee at Government Girls Secondary School Tudun Nupawa, Kaduna State. Jamoh holds both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Science Education (Geography) from Bayero University Kano and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in the same field and at the same University. Her commitment to advancing knowledge in Education Geography is evident through her impactful roles as a lecturer and her dedication to academic research and community service.



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