International Council for Education, Research and Training

Teachers’ Perception on Personality Traits and Social skills Development of Persons with Disabilities

OLADIMEJI, Oyeyemi Omolayo Ph.D.1 and OGUNWALE, Toyin Racheal Ph.D.2

1Department of Learners with Intellectual Disability, Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo

2Department of Student with Hearing Impairment, Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo


Persons with Disabilities have problem with the development of appropriate social skills. However, social skill is essential to initiate and maintain positive social relationship among all. Previous studies focused largely on enhancing other skills areas among persons with Disabilities while functional skills development is not well researched.  This study therefore, investigated Teachers’ perspectives on personality traits and social skills development among persons with Disabilities in Ibadan. Bandura’s social learning theory formed the bases and framework for the study. Four schools were purposively selected for the study. Forty (40) persons with various fiorms of disabilities were the respondents. The instruments used were Pupils Social Development Checklist (r=0.80), Neuroticism Scale for Children (0.73) and Personality Inventory for Children (Extroversion) (0.73) Scales. Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviations at 0.05 level of significance. There is a significant positive relationship between the social skills development of persons with disabilities and extraversion (r=.368, p (.019) <.05), but there was no significant relationship between social skills development of persons with disabilities and neuroticism (r=-.141, p (.386)>.05) respectively. It was therefore concluded that persons with disabilities are predisposed to display unacceptable social characteristics as a result of peculiar personality traits of an individual persons. It was therefore recommended that teachers and care givers of persons with disabilities should note and pay attention to the fact that most people behave the way they do simply because of their peculiar personality trait as there are significant impact of personality traits on social skills development.

Keywords: Traits, Social Skills, Disabilities, Development.

Impact Statement

This research investigated Teachers’ Perception on Personality Traits and Social skills Development of Persons with Disabilities. The study will enable every stakeholder that work with persons with disabilities for instance, teachers, parents, and professionals that are often associated with them to understand why every child behaves the way he does, they will have a clearer understanding of the concept of individual differences. The perspectives of teachers about social skills development of every child in the classroom will take a new dimension with the view of creating an enabling environment where every child can have opportunity to relate and interact extensively with peers, and participate consistently in the classroom irrespective of their pronounced personality traits. The policy makers and curriculum planners will also see the importance of incorporating social skills development in the curriculum and classroom activities of persons with disabilities. This research will also serve as data bank for subsequent researchers.

About Author/s

Dr. Oyeyemi Omolayo OLADIMEJI

Oyeyemi is a multidimensional educator, researcher and lecturer at Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria. Her interest is in education of learners with Intellectual Disability, an area where she has published several articles in reputable journals. She had a background in English and Counseling Psychology which has been a source of finding her niche as a special educator and has developed her passion to see every child fulfill destiny. Oladimeji has been an expert facilitator, a regular speaker at Conferences, an advocate of inclusion and trainer on Education of Persons with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SENDs) in collaboration with National Teachers Institute and Axiom Learn Solutions for over a decade. She is a member of Counseling Association of Nigeria, National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) where she constantly draws her strength to forge ahead. 

Dr. Oluwatoyin Rachael OGUNWALE 

Dr. Ogunwale O.R is a sign language interpreter, researcher and lecturer in the department of Education for learners with Hearing impairment, Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo. Her area of specialization is in science education, special education, total communication and education for learners with hearing impairment. Oluwatoyin has contributed to reputable journals both nationally and internationally one of which is European Journal of Multidisciplinary of Science. She has attended many Conferences within and outside Nigeria. Dr. Ogunwale is an advocate of inclusion and a trainer of teachers of children with disabilities in collaboration with Universal Basic Education, Nigeria. She is a member of Society for Disability Studies (USA), NAEC, NASET and Chairperson, Society for Women and Aids in Africa Nigeria, Oyo State (SWAAANOYO).


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