International Council for Education, Research and Training

Artificial Intelligence and Language

Bedkekar, Vanitha

Research Scholar – IGNOU, New Delhi


Language is the mediator of communication. Due, to language we connect people, we connect subject, we share our thoughts and views, and we understand our emotions with each other. Over all language plays a magnificent role all sectors and in the field of education sector where the input and output of knowledge emits the light in various sectors. Hence, Language is the one of the most significant roles which plays in the role of communication. Due to language the barriers of thoughts and expressions will be overcome in the process of communication. Hence, language resolves the issues of communication. India is a multilingual and multicultural country to communicate with people we required language. The mean and mode to communicate in any language we need translation. Due, to translation process we can rectify the language for any subject. A translator who is having the knowledge of both the language that is source language and target language can translate the language where we can get the input and output of resolution of the communication. Due, to translation the emergence of the light emits the inclination of language in the field of communication. In today’s digital world artificial intelligence enrolls its functionality in all sectors. Where, it finds its active participation to resolve the issues in all fields. When the activation of AI enrolls in any particular sector will generate its resolution within the given time frame. Hence, it takes less time to consume to

solve any query. The data when we input in the application of AI it emits the resolution of any query with consuming less time. AI plays an active role to resolve any issues. But, then to implement any language to feed the data into AI application we required a translator to translate the language with proper source of knowledge. To learn any language, we need to start from its basic AI tool will help in learning any language with respective of the data which has been feed in the application it’s a time-consuming source where anybody can opt the functionality of the source. Not only the mean languages where we learn, can we get into the depth of dialect language where, the unknown hidden of language will emerge the output of communication. Not only the emergence of language will be known in depth of culture and society related aspects to that language will be known towards communication. Hence, the source and mean of language enrolls its functionality in the form of application where assistance of tool will be opted to generate its role in a legitimate form.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, emotions, language, communication, multicultural

Impact statement

Importance of language with respective of dialect languages where the process of translation and its significance plays a major role in Artificial intelligence. Which builds up the growth of multilinguist and multicultural where the gap between the communication will be refilled and the growth of content in all sectors will be in better understanding mode.

About The Author

Vanitha Bedkekar has completed BA Hindi, B.Ed., MA Hindi, MA English, MA Translation, MA Education, PG Diploma Translation, Diploma Forensic Science, and currently Pursing in PhD in Translation Studies, Certificate in French Language. She has translated and published Bastar Bhushan book from Hindi to English language, awarded for Global Youth Icon 2024 ICERT, awarded for short film making and short story writing and attended various workshops and seminars to promote education, language and translation. Also presented the research papers in Language in Tribal Education in National Seminar on Traditional Cultural Values Based Education in Contemporary Global Perspective – Organized by DIET. Her key interest is to promote education, language and translation where she mainly focuses on women and children for their beneficial growth in their life.



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