International Council for Education, Research and Training

Influencer Marketing and Purchase Intention: Exploring the Mediating Role of Credibility

Bajaz, Ritu1, Yadav Neetu2 and Yadav Priyanka3

1Associate Professor, Department of Management Indira Gandhi University (Meerpur)

2Research Scholar, Department of Management Indira Gandhi University (Meerpur)

3Research Scholar, Department of Management Indira Gandhi University (Meerpur)


With the advent of today’s digital age, the social media influencer marketing has become powerful tactic for brands aiming to enhance their market presence and consumer engagement. Social media influencers through their curated content on platforms like: Instagram, You-Tube and twitter etc., significantly shape consumer perceptions and behavior. Nowadays Influencers on social media serves to be a vital component in marketing of products and services to their audience. Hence the main motive of this descriptive study is to examine how different attributes of these influencers impact their credibility in turn shaping consumer purchase intentions.  

Keywords: Social Media Influencers, Purchase Intention, Influencer Marketing Consumer Behavior.

Impact Statement

This study aims to investigate the influence of influencer marketing on consumer purchase intention. The findings of this research will provide valuable insights for businesses, marketers, and influencers seeking to leverage influencer marketing as an effective promotional strategy.

The expected outcomes of this study include:

1. A deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of influencer marketing in shaping consumer purchase intentions.

2. Identification of the most influential factors that drive consumer purchase decisions in the context of influencer marketing.

3. Development of a conceptual framework that explains the relationship between influencer marketing and consumer purchase intention.

The impact of this research will be felt across various stakeholders:

– Businesses: By understanding the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of influencer marketing, businesses can optimize their marketing strategies to maximize returns on investment.

– Marketers: The findings of this study will provide marketers with actionable insights to create effective influencer marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

– Influencers: This research will help influencers understand their role in shaping consumer purchase intentions and provide them with guidance on how to create sponsored content that drives engagement and conversion.

– Consumers: By understanding the factors that influence their purchase decisions, consumers will be better equipped to make informed purchasing decisions and avoid manipulation by influencers. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge in this area

About The Author

Dr. Ritu Bajaj is a Associate professor in Indira Gandhi university, where she is guiding researchers in the field of marketing.

I Neetu Yadav is a Research Scholar at Indira Gandhi University, where I am pursuing research interests in the field of Marketing. My research endeavors focus on exploring influencer marketing strategies and consumer behaviour. My academic pursuits are driven by a passion for understanding the intricacies of market. Priyanka Yadav is a Research Scholar at Indira Gandhi University, where she is pursuing research interests in the field of Marketing.



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