Classroom Management; a Determinant of Effective Teaching and Learning of Languages in Secondary Schools in Ondo State, Nigeria
Ayo-Oladapo, Esther Olajumoke1
Abu, Ishau Olaoluwa2
Ifejuowo, Modupe Iyanuoluwa3
1,2, &3Faculty of Education, Department of Arts Education, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria
The study examined the concept of classroom management as a determinant of effect teaching and learning of languages in secondary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria. From the statement of the problem, three purposes were listed leading to the formation of two research questions and two hypotheses. The study adopted descriptive survey research design with a population of principals’ teachers and students in selected secondary schools in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. A sample of two hundred and fifty (255) respondents (5 Principals, 50 teachers and 200 students) were randomly selected to participate in the research process. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and statistically with the use of appropriate statistic package of frequency counts, simple percentages, mean and standard deviation to analyses the research questions and inferential statistic to test the hypotheses.
Based on the result of the findings, it was revealed that there is significant influence of classroom management on students’ academic performance. Also, there is significant relationship between the academic performance of language students and effective classroom management.
Based on the findings it was concluded that classroom management is very important at all levels of education especially in the primary and secondary schools where high level of students’ attention is needed for effective teaching and learning. Hence, it was recommended that teachers should ensure that they create conducive learning environment for the students to learn and be able to develop a positive attitude towards schooling.
Keywords: Classroom, effective teaching, academic performance and classroom management.
Impact Statement
Effective classroom management is crucial for fostering the teaching and learning of languages in the classroom. A well-managed classroom helps to reduce disruptions, improve students’ engagement, and enhance the overall learning experience. In Ondo State, Nigeria, where the language of instruction is predominantly English, effective classroom management is crucial for promoting the acquisition of English language skills. Findings from this study indicate that classroom management is a determinant of effective teaching and learning of languages in secondary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria. Conducive environments with effective classroom management reduce students’ misbehaviour and encourage an appreciation for excellence in the classroom.
About The Author
Dr. Esther Olajumoke, Ayo-Oladapo is a lecturer 1 at the department of Arts Education, Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State. She is an Executive Director, Institute of Family Life and Societal Development of Centre for Blissful Home Initiative and a former Co-ordinator of Ondo State French Language Resource Centre. She is a researcher in the field of education, language education with a special interest in French language, language policy/ curriculum planning and implementation. She has authored books, chapters in books and journal articles nationally and internationally.
Ishau Olaoluwa, Abu is a researcher in the field of Arts Education. He is an analyst and founder of Ultimate Ola Educational Consultant. Through his research work in art and history education, he has fostered a deeper appreciation for the connections between the visual arts and historical inquiry. He is committed to collaborate with fellow educators, historians, artists, and researchers to create innovative and culturally rich history education experiences that inspire a lifelong passion for learning.
Modupe Iyanuoluwa, Ifejuowo is a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko, Ondo State with a bachelor degree in Arts Education (English Education). She is a researcher in the field of education and English language education whose work has contributed knowledge to education. Her work has served as a resource material to other researchers in her filed of interest.
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