Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning Social Studies in Junior Secondary Schools in Gusau Education Zone of Zamfara State, Nigeria
Muhammad, Sule
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Federal University Gusau
This study assessed the impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on teaching and learning Social Studies in junior secondary schools in Gusau Education Zone of Zamfara State, Nigeria. The study had 1 objective, which is to examine the impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on teaching and learning Social Studies in junior secondary schools in Gusau Education Zone of Zamfara State, Nigeria. Survey research design was used for the study from a population of 48,977, a sample of 378 was draw, multi-stage sampling technique was used, at the first stage, two local government areas and 22 schools were purposively selected by the researcher. At the second stage, proportionate sampling technique was used to make equal distributions among the elements of the population. At the third stage the researcher used simple random sampling technique to select the students and purposive sampling was used in selecting Social Studies teachers who are the respondents. Questionnaire was employed to obtain data from the respondents which was made up of two sections; A and B. Section A dwelt on Bio-data of the respondents and section B dwelt on the main statements of items under investigation. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean and standard deviation to answer research question, the null hypothesis was tested using Chi-square. The findings reveals that the Covid-19 Pandemic had affected the teaching and learning Social Studies in junior secondary schools in Gusau Education Zone Zamfara State, Nigeria. The paper recommended that, government should adjust school academic calendar, and to provide e-learning programme against future occurrence of Covid-19 Pandemic problem.
Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Teaching and Learning, Social Studies.
Impact Statement
This research was conducted to examine the impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on teaching and learning Social Studies in junior secondary schools in Gusau education zone of Zamfara state, Nigeria. Covid-19 Pandemic had totally disrupted all teaching and learning process and students’ right to education were denied due to the pandemic in Africa, Nigeria, and Zamfara state and also in Gusau educational zone in particular. Therefore there is need to wide investigate on the impact of the pandemic on teaching and learning process and to provide possible solution to the problem. The impact of this research will be benefited to all education stakeholders such as; learners, parents, academic researchers, philanthropists, and entire community in the state. I am very appreciated with the kind gesture given to me by my family members in successful carrying out this research work for the benefit of the society.
About The Author
Sule MUHAMMAD was born on 21st February, 1987 in Tudun Wada Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria. Having M. Ed Social Studies Education (in view) at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, B. Ed Social Studies Education at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2013), and Nigeria Certificate in Education (N.C.E.) Social Studies & Islamic Studies at Zamfara State College of Education Maru (2006), Graduate Diploma in Computer Studies at Usmanu Danfodiyo University consultancy services Sokoto (2009), SSCE at Sambo Secondary school Gusau (2003) and Primary Certificate at Tudun Wada model primary school Gusau (1997). I wrote some articles; conferences, book of readings, workshops and journals, and also attended some virtual courses and international forum. I am now an Assistant Lecturer, Department of Educational Foundations, Federal University Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria and also a course facilitator of B. Ed Social Studies, National Teachers Institute (NTI) Kaduna at Gusau study center.
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