Saved To Serve: Salvific Role Of Christian Education In Discipling Muslim Converts For Sound Church Integration
Aderele, Abiodun James
Associate Director, Institute of Family Life and Societal Development, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
This paper is an exposition of the salvific role of Christian education in discipling Muslim converts for sound church integration. This is done by considering the responsibility of the great commission to disciple and the fact that Muslim converts need special attention in terms of discipleship for proper and sound church integration, which helps them become stable Christians. This situation is particular to but not limited to churches in North-East Nigeria. To achieve this, the writer employed the descriptive method for the study. Findings revealed that the role of Christian education is paramount to the physical and spiritual growth of Muslim converts and to integrate them into the church through engaging discipleship, which consists of the practical and biblical orientation of love, service, worship, proclamation, and advocacy, which are the tasks of Christian education according to Pazmino. This writer concludes that discipleship is a responsibility following salvation of individuals and groups to enhance the belief of Muslim converts. Moreover, there is no other option than for Christian educators in the church to care and teach with relevant resources considering the situation and the understanding of the Muslim converts who see the church as a community where they can love and be loved. This writer hereby recommends that churches in this changing world should be prepared for Muslims who will come to Jesus Christ and not wait until they come before thinking of what to do.
Keywords: Salvation, Christian Education, Muslim Converts, Church Integration.
About The Author
Abiodun James Aderele (B.A.ED English Language (OAU Ile-Ife), B.A. Religious Studies (ACU, Oyo), MDiv Th., Mphil., PhD(World Religions) “in View” (NBTS, Ogbomoso). He is a Baptist minister and theological educator who serves as an Associate Director (Research and Partnerships) & Journal Editor at the Institute of Family Life and Societal Development, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. He has lectured at the Baptist College of Theology, Igede-Ekiti and held Teaching Assistant position at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso. He has authored a book, chapters in books and journal articles nationally and internationally on Religious Theologies, Missiology, Comparative Religion, and Peace and Conflict Studies. He is also one of the researchers on “The Religious and Spiritual Lives of Transnational Young People of African Migrant Background” as one of the Young People’s Advisory Group of Glasgow University, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Impact statement
Muslim converts need special attention in terms of discipleship for proper and sound church integration, which helps them become stable Christians. This situation is particular to but not limited to churches in North-East Nigeria. To achieve this, the writer employed the descriptive method for the study. Findings revealed that the role of Christian education is paramount to the physical and spiritual growth of Muslim converts and to integrate them into the church through engaging discipleship, which consists of the practical and biblical orientation of love, service, worship, proclamation, and advocacy, which are the tasks of Christian education according to Pazmino. The paper hereby recommends that churches in this changing world should be prepared for Muslims who will come to Jesus Christ rather than waiting till they come before thinking of how to meaningfully engage them.
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