Teenagers' Social Aptitudes for Managing Behavior Disorders in Wadata Community Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
Aniekwe, Ngozi Louisa
Federal Medical Centre, Makurdi, Benue State
This study focused on social skills as a means of curbing conduct disorders among adolescents in Wadata Community of Benue State. The purpose of the study was to investigate the social skills needed by Adolescents for Curbing conduct disorders along River Benue Bank. The study answered two research questions. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. The population of the study was 570 adolescents drawn from four settlements in Wadata Community. Sample of 343 adolescents was drawn using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaire (RABQ) was used for date collection. Frequency and percentage were used for answering of research questions. Major findings show that factors reveal that the factors influencing conduct disorder among the adolescents were lack of home training, lack of good mentorship, lack of formal education, drinking of alcohol, poverty and bad friends. The most important social skills needed to curb conduct disorder among adolescents were parental good mentorship, exhibiting good temperament, patience and calmness in all situations, acknowledging individual’s worth and asking polite questions to clarify issues when not understood. It was recommended that among others that parent should encourage adequate social skills among their children such as good communication skills, honesty, patient, respect to constituted authority.
Key words: Social Skills, Adolescents, Conduct Disorders.
Impact statement
The work will positively impact the teenagers to positive character and invariably build a better society as the teenagers today are the adults of tomorrow.
It will add to the body of knowledge in this area.
It will positively impact the parents, the teachers, and counselors like the Public health nurses and enable them to be better equipped to educate the teenagers, thereby building a healthier society.
These aptitudes when learnt, will go a long way to reduce crime; like armed robbery, drug abuse, rape, extra judicial killings, and corruption in the communities and the society at large.
The information generated from this work will help he government to improve in their policy making concerning the adolescents and the educational curricula by integrating the needed social aptitudes or skills and planning better in helping the teenagers become better adults in future like training more counselors and investing in recreational activities.
About The Author
LOUISA NGOZI ANIEKWE hails from Nenwe, Aninri Local Government are of Enugu State . She is married in the same Local Government area.
She is a Deputy Director of Nursing Services the Coordinator of Nursing Services, and the Head of Nursing Education, training and development at Federal Medical Centre Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
A Fellow of West African Post Graduate College of Nursing; She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing Science, Masters degree in Nursing Science (Public Health Nursing), Master’s degree in Public Administration, Specialist of burns and plastic Surgery Nursing , a nurse/midwife and is presently undertaking her PhD in Nursing Science (Public health) at the Lincoln University College, Malaysia
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