International Council for Education, Research and Training

Youth Mental Health

Chavda, Jijnasa

Smt. J.J. Kundalia Graduate Teachers College, Bedipara, Sant Kabir Road, Rajkot Gujrat India


Mental health develops the whole personality of the youth. Every young person has aspirations, desires, interests etc. Some of these are inherited and some unearned. Apart from physical, mental, emotional and social development, other types of development are expected for overall development of youth. Maintaining mental health is essential for mental development. If the mental balance is not properly maintained then their social life is not healthy hence maintenance of mental self-esteem is very necessary. Mental health is an adequate adaptation to the environment on the role of reality. Mental health is the ability to face and accept the emotions, desires and realities of daily life. A complete and harmonious functioning of the youth can be called mental health. Therefore, this article presents a presentation about the formation of mental health of youth and the role of home, school and society for its role.

Keywords: youth, mental health, psychotherapy, self-esteem, atmosphere.

Impact statement

Mental health of youth and the role of home, school and society for its are very important. The current time is the time of empowerment of the youth. Youth has immense potential. In order to develop it and make it successful in the right direction, it needs mental health. harmonious. Mental health is a well-rounded personality of the youth that means the  integration of its various psycho-physical aspects with each other. It is a systematic science that suggests ways to maintain mental health.He is full of confidence. It has the ability to adapt to the environment as per the situation. It has the ability to face and accept emotions, desires, realities of life in daily life. He moves towards a definite goal by proper coordination of his energies. He maintains harmony between his various needs. Its aims, goals and ideals have coherence.Youth mental health is shaped directly and indirectly. Some are based on environment while some are hereditary.The proverb ‘First happiness is self-made’ clarifies that a healthy.They have good qualities. Hence he can spend his life easily,and can maintain balance mentally. How mentally healthy the youth is can be deduced from their behavior. That is, it can be known that the level of his mental health is low or limited.. In this view, if the role of inheritance and environment – home, school, society etc. affecting mental health is understood and these three institutions can give proper direction to the mental health of the youth.So the youth of the nation can take steps in the development of the nation by maintaining mental health.

About The Author


            Author’s name: Dr. JIGNASABEN KANTILAL CHAVDA

  • Educational Qualification: M. A, M. ED, M. PHIL, Ph.D.
  • Designation and Name of Institution: Assistant Professor, Smt. J.J. Kundalia Graduate Teachers College Rajkot, Gujarat- 360003, (India)
  • Professional Experience: 13 years
  • YouTube channel:
  • Blog :
  • Seminar/ Workshop/ Camp: State level – 15, National level – 25 International level – 20
  • Publications: Study Articles – 25, Research Papers – 10, Books – 5
  • Expert Services: Research Guidance, Expert public Lectures, Judging Services
  •   Extension Work:
  • Eco club management
  • Social Service Act
  • Art Skills Act
  • Sanskrit Conversation Classes
  • Yoga trainer
  • Promotion/dissemination of environment conservation

11.  Special achievements: 1.  key note address in Junior chamber international, 2.  Poetry   creation:40

12.Research Work

  • Metaphysics in Ishwasiy Upnishad
  • A Measurement Scale for Values ​​with Reference to Sustainable Development
  • A unique approach in research: Qualitative research method
  • Innovation through innovation in teacher education: A qualitative study
  • Comparative study of some mantras of Ekadash Upanishad and some verses of Srimad Bhagavad Gita

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Pathak, Barot and Others (2022). Psychology of learner. Ahmedabad: Nirav publication.

Shah, Gunvant B. (1972). Learning mimansa in educational psychology. Ahmedabad: University book publishing board.

Shastri, J. Dave, Patel. and Others (1984-85). Psychological foundation of education. Ahmedabad: B.S.Ch. publication.

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