Perception Of Women Participation In Digital Education Research For Sustainable Social Adjustment In Calabar Urban, Nigeria: Implication On Educational Peace And Security
Idika, Delight Omoji
Institute Of Education, University Of Calabar Calabar – Nigeria.
Faithpraise, Fina Otosi
Associate Pprofessor In Computer Engineering Department, Faculy Of
Engineering And Technology, University Of Calabar
Okeke, Stella Uchechukwu
Department Of Social Science Education, University Of Calabar –
Anakwue, Laetitia Anthonia
Institute Of Education University Of Calabar Nigeria
The need for women to arise to the issues that affect their continuous existence, engagement and contribution to the economy of their nations and the world at large, has become critical particularly in this digital age. More than ever before, the role of women in education and research in particular, in building and sustaining security and peace of their communities as well as in social adjustment to lives in these communities is being hastily called for, particularly in the presence of “crisis” atmosphere under which these communities presently and consistently exist. The purpose of this study was to assess public perception of role of digital women in education research, sustainable security, peace building, and social adjustment among communities in Calabar, Nigeria in order to take decision and consolidate on their future role in these areas in Nigeria. This study became necessary in the face of the disturbing changing social, cultural and post-Covid-19 environment, characterized by insecurity. Eight (8) research questions guided the study, among which is what level of participations are being made by women group in Calabar to embark on meaningful /digitalized research in education matters, enhance security and foster social adjustment? Descriptive survey design was adopted for this study to make description of the current situation possible. Data collection was through questionnaire, observational techniques and interview from purposefully selected target group in the political wards of Calabar Municipality and Calabar South Local Government Areas that made up Calabar Urban. Well validated survey data obtained was analysed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. The study found that women participate in fostering education research, sustainable security and peace building in Calabar Metropolis, but the level of digitization remains low. The study concludes that the public perceives the digital role of women in education as critical in fostering good research in education, sustainable security and social adjustment. Given this, it is recommended that government and all stakeholders including international agencies, should proactively involve all women and girls with respect to empowering them with more digital skills and resources as well as offer more protection in the cyber space and with their relatively rising influence, will reduce the inequality gap.
Keywords: Digital Women in Education Research, Sustainable Security, Peace Building, Social Adjustment, Nigeria
Impact statement
Researches have been conducted on women’s participation in education research but this present study on perception of women participation in digital education research for sustainable social adjustment on educational peace and security is such an impactful paper. It has shown the immense roles of women in the society and the great impact on the society. This study done in the week of United Nations Equality week with the main reason for promoting gender balance between the role of women and the men is of great importance. The role of women in digital research, peace building which enhances societal adjustment and security in the society is a thing to reckon with in this 21st century. It has shown that women who are not utilizing much of digital facilities, can do better if adequately equipped in fostering good research in education, maintaining sustainable security and social adjustment in their communities.
About author
Dr Delight Omoji Idika is a Senior Lecturer from the Department of Educational Foundations who is currently serving on Secondment ( as Senior Research Fellow) to coordinate the research needs at the Institute of Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria. She has her interests in Educational Research & Statistics, Assessment, Measurement & Evaluation, and also teaches Philosophical and Historical Foundations of Education, Economics, Office Management along side intense supervision, training and mentoring of young researchers at the undergraduate and post graduate student levels. Beside serving in several Committees in the University and leading in some research teams in TETFUND, Europe Horizon and a member of teams that won IBR (2021)and NERDC (2007) research grants. she is a team leader in charge of Economics WAEC and NECO, SSCE Cross River State from 2000 to date.
She is an award member and two times Guest Lecturer in International Council for Education, Research and Training (ICERT); Africa/Nigeria representative of Institute For Engineering, Research and Publication (IFERP). She is a member of several other professional associations, including EARNiA, NYASA, ASSEREN, WCCI, and has published extensively in local and international, Journals and Books to her credit. Dr Delight has good interpersonal skills, and outstanding among them is sound ability to effectively manage and motivate team force for maximum output and achievement.
Dr Delight can be contacted at Email: ;
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Fina Otosi Faithpraise, An Engineer and an Associate Professor in Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology University of Calabar, is responsible for addressing growing technological needs in Computer, electronics and digital circuit design and related areas. She works closely with students and the populace to address requirements for electrical billing systems, electricity metering and emerging energy measurement applications including renewable energy and expert systems. She received a B. Engr in Computer Engineering, from Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) Nigeria in 2001. A M.Sc. in Engineering Physics (Electronics /Communication) from University of Calabar in 2008 and a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Engineering and Design, image processing with concentration in Automated systems and Control from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom in 2014. She is a registered member of Nigerian Society of Engineers (MNSE) and Council for the Regulation of Engineering bodies in Nigeria (COREN).
Stella Uchechukwu Okeke is an assistant lecturer in the department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Science Education University of Calabar, Calabar- Nigeria. She has her M.Ed in Social Science Education and currently Pursuing her Ph.D at a thesis level in Social Science Education ( Social Studies) with the topic Gender-Based Violence, Family Values and Marital Sustainability in Anambra state – Nigeria. Her Research interest is in sustainable transformation through teacher effectiveness, value education and family life, and gender studies. She is also passionate about the quality instructional pedagogy that would not only be learner centered but also facilitates the achievement of the needs and aspirations of the human society in area of knowledge. She has attended many conferences and have published over fifteen (15) scholarly researched articles in both local and international peer reviewed journals. She can be contacted through the email, and phone number 08035004215.
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