Extolling The Role of Sociology of Education in Empowering Individuals with Disabilities in Nigeria
Muhammad, Sule1 and Sarkin-Fada, Mohammed Abdul2
1Department Of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Federal University Gusau
2Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
The paper examined the extolling the role of sociology of education in empowering individuals with disabilities in Nigeria. The paper discussed the concept of disabilities, education, sociology, and sociology of education. The paper also discussed the Contributions of Sociology of Education to People with Disabilities in Nigeria which included; critical analysis of educational systems, understanding social dynamics, advocacy and policy development, examining intersectionality, empowering marginalized voices, critical analysis of social structures, advocacy for inclusive policies, understanding intersectionality among others. The paper concluded that sociology of education stands as a beacon of empowerment for individuals with disabilities in Nigeria. sociology of education paves the way for the empowerment of individuals with disabilities, nurturing a society where every member has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully. Sociology of education serves as a powerful force for empowerment among individuals with disabilities in Nigeria. The paper recommended among others that; government, non-governmental organization and education philanthropists to provide training and professional development opportunities for educators on inclusive teaching strategies, government should empower individual with disabilities themselves by providing them with opportunities for leadership, advocacy and skill development, teachers and care givers of the people with disability should treat and give them adequate care, love and attention, only specialized teachers with at least a minimum of first degree in special education should be allowed to teach and handle people with disability.
Keywords: Disabilities, Empowering, Extolling, Sociology of Education
Impact Statement
This article title “extolling the role of sociology of education in empowering individuals with disabilities in Nigeria” could be important to the people with disabilities to identify the contributions of sociology of education and its’ implications to their lives. The article will be great significant to the government in resolving the issues and challenges faces the disable person in the society and how sociology of education contributed immensely to their education. So also, it could be great significant in enlightening the public and private sectors over the role of sociology of education and sociologists in resolving issues related to people with disabilities in Nigeria. The finding of this article serves as great significant for further research work on education and sociology of education. Finally, the article provides additional literature that could enrich the existing literatures in the area of education, sociology, sociology of education and people with disabilities in any given society.
About Author/s
Sule MUHAMMAD was born on 21st February, 1987. Having M. Ed Social Studies Education (in view) at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, B. Ed Social Studies Education at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2013), and Nigeria Certificate in Education (N.C.E.) Social Studies & Islamic Studies at Zamfara State College of Education Maru (2006), Graduate Diploma in Computer Studies at Usmanu Danfodiyo University consultancy services Sokoto (2009), SSCE at Sambo Secondary school Gusau (2003) and Primary Certificate at Tudun Wada model primary school Gusau (1997) married 2017. I am now an assistant lecturer Department of Educational Foundations, Federal University Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria. I am also a course facilitator teaching B. Ed Social Studies at National Teachers Institute Kaduna, Gusau centre, Zamfara state, Nigeria. Having some publications; articles, conferences, and Workshops.
Dr. Muhammad Abdul SARKIN-FADA has obtained his PhD in Education Social Studies at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. He is a senior lecturer Social Studies section department of Arts and Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
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