Remediation of Chemical Bonding Misconception through Conceptual Change Text
Kumar, Sandeep
Professor of Chemistry and, by curtesy of Psychology, School of Applied and Behavioral Sciences, NIILM University Kaithal India
The study was conducted to explore the impact of conceptual change texts integrated instruction on 10th class students’ understanding of chemical bonding concepts. It mainly aimed to investigate how conceptual change texts stimulate students’ prior knowledge, identifying misconceptions, and to help them to understand the chemical bonding concepts by using analogies, explanations, and examples. In conceptual changes text, analogies were used to deal with students’ misconceptions. The results analysis revealed that conceptual change texts-oriented instructions have a positive impact on students’ understanding of scientific conceptions related to chemical bonding and also helpful in resolving the misconceptions. Mean scores of both groups showed that students in the experimental group performed better with respect to chemical bonding concepts.
Keywords: chemical bonding, misconception, analogy, conceptual change, conceptual change text
Impact Statement
Students’ have difficulty in understanding the chemical conceptions due to its abstract nature and conceptual framework is found with numerous misconceptions. Teachers are not trained on the innovative pedagogy and to identify the misconceptions. The current study explores the conceptual change approach and its impact on eliminating the misconception in chemical bonding conceptions. The study conclude that conceptual change text, analogies, explanations and experiential learning could be the powerful pedagogical tools in elimination the misconceptions related to chemical bonding. It further recommends to imply the approach in real classroom as socio-demographic might cause data variation.
About author
Dr Sandeep Kumar
Professor of Chemistry and, by courtesy, of Psychology, School of Applied and Behavioral Sciences, NIILM University Kaithal India
Dr Sandeep Kumar have more than one decade experience in teaching, research, curriculum development, counselling and leadership. His areas of interest are chemical education, research, behavioral science, teacher education and practices. As resource person, he has conducted more than 225 training programs for the school and higher education teachers. He has been awarded with numerous prestigious National and International Awards. He has participated and presented research articles in more than 200 National and International conferences. He has been invited as keynote speaker, guest of honor, conference chair, and resources person in various National and International Conferences. He is associated with various National and International Organizations.
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