Work Life Balance in The New Normal
Dr Pandiamani Sivam Ph. D (Yoga)
Director, Value Education Programmes, Brahma kumaris, Mount Abu, Rajasthan
In every challenge there is an opportunity… and Covid-19 is no exception. Instead of merely replicating office habits and practices in the home, we have a real opportunity to press pause, take the time to rethink work/life balance and design a healthier approach for a more energised and sustainable lifestyle. Up until now, personal and professional lives have been kept separate. Suddenly, work, home and life have collided under one roof! We must get better at having conversations around our priorities and availability – with ourselves, with our bosses/colleagues, and with our partner/family. Otherwise, assumptions and expectations about roles and responsibilities at work and home will cause resentment, stress/guilt and poor wellbeing Between socializing, parenting, running errands, and working, the coronavirus has significantly altered the way we live our lives. For many people, the public health crisis has meant a sudden shift to remote work environments as officials stress the importance of social distancing. While there are certainly benefits to working from home, the transition can be difficult and finding balance within your life can become more complicated. If COVID-19 has left you feeling burnt out, overworked, and stressed, here are some ways you can manage your work-from-home environment to create a better work-life balance. what is work-life balance precisely? It is a term so frequently dropped into conversation that it can sound vague and open to interpretation. it means “feeling in control of how you balance the various demands of all aspects of life to enable wellbeing and avoid illness”. It should involve “happiness, fulfilment and job satisfaction”