Women disability A case study of Chittapur
Dr. Nuzhath Parveen,Assistant Professor in Sociology, Government First Grade College Kamalapur
The challenges and inequality that persons with disabilities face affects all aspects of their life and vary depending on their gender. Gender and disabilities are closely linked and women and girls with disabilities often face multiple forms of discrimination. Gender and social construct has an important part to play in the lives of both disabled men and disabled women , This happens in different ways primarily because of key parts of the social constructs/ masculinity femininity and disability/the double disadvantage trap. The paper intends to show the problems faced by disabled women in chittapur Taluka Gulbarga dist. Both in terms of physical and mental parameters .It also highlights the social effects of physical disabilities on various stages of their life cycle explored through life histories of women belongs to different age groups and those belonging to different caste.
Keywords: women, Disability, chittapur, problems, Discrimination, abuse, impairments, disorders.
Women with Disabilities have been described as being doubly marginalized on account of their disability and their gender. They may be more vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion and often have limited social, political and economic opportunities and lack of access to basic services Women with Disabilities may also be at greater risk of social and physical violence and abuse girls with Disabilities often experience discrimination for example in education and family life.
Every day, people work, play eat sleep have fun and just try to live a healthy, normal life. But in some case all those things changes and living becomes not so normal when a person is effected by a disabilities, it is defined as when a person is effected by a disabilities, it is define as a long – term health condition caused by an irreversible disorder, while the worldwide movement for human rights for disabled people has developed quite rapidly during the last two decades, leading to the formation of lobbying and advocacy structure ranging from small grassroots groups to international networks, there has been slower progress in understanding how gender affects women’s and men’s experience of disability and their human rights. The feminist movement itself has been slow in taking up the issue of specific groups of women including disabled women (olwen,1990, Morris 1993)
Disabled people have been systematically disadvantaged by social institution like the family and the education system socially and in the workplace. Too often Disabled people in general and women with Disabilities in particular are viewed as incapable of leading full and successful lives because people’s organization (DPOs) women with Disability are differentiated from others in terms of lack of equal access to education healthcare reduced opportunities in employment and therefore to social inclusion. Because of their reduced status in the social space, they face violence and unfairness. This article focuses on their challenges in various dimensions as educational, Social, Economical and Healthcare. Further the present study is made to know about the problem of disabled women in general, by making a research study on the problem of women with disabled living in Chittapur Taluka in particular.
Physical and mental parameters:
The world Health organization defines disability as “an umbrella term for impairments activity limitation and participation restrictions. Emphasizing that it is not just a medical condition but also involves environmental and societal barriers that prevent full participation in life Disabilities can be temporary, intermittent, or lifelong and they many affect individuals differently depending on the context and support systems available.
The Physical and mental parameters includes, but is not limited to such contagious and diseases and conditions as orthopedic, visual speech and hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, mental retardation, emotional illness. The physical conditions of disability are a group of disorders that impact a person’s ability to move and maintain balance. cerebral palsy is usually caused by abnormal brain development or brain damage that affects one’s ability to control one’s muscles. It is the most common motor disability present at birth.
Mental disability in a broad definition, is a condition in which a person’s Mental ability or capacity is moderately to severely limited. Under Mental ability a person can be psychologically disabled or intellectually disabled.
Statement of the problem:
Many of the studies were done on Disabled women, the present study is made to know about the social, economic, educational, cultural and healthcare problems in Chittapur Taluka. Hence the work in entitled “Women Disability f A Case Study of Chittapur Taluka Kalaburagi. Dist”.
To study the physical and mental parameters of Disabled women.
To investigate the various problems of Disabled women.
To identify the Social and biological effects of women’s disability.
Significance of the study:
The significance of disability lies in promoting an inclusive world where differences are acknowledged and respected, and where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in and women in particular because women play a crucial role not only in the development of the family, also in the development of a Nation because they constitute half of the population.
The Research project will have enormous value for the researchers, research scholars in the in field of Sociology and women’s studies and also those people to aspire to understand the hurdles of Disabled women in the selected area of study. NGOs and governmental agencies who wish to work on these issues can get relevant insights. It will be also useful to design interventions to address the barriers of social, economic and educational cultural and healthcare.
Women with disabled face transport barriers.
Women with disabled may face higher rates of depression and anxiety.
women with disabled can face discrimination with their counterpart.
women with disabled face educational barriers.
women with disabled face hurdles in martial relationship.
women with disabled fear to actively participate in community life.
Deprivation of opportunities of women with disabled.
The quality of life is very inferior of women with disabled.
To study the physical and mental parameters of Disabled women.
To investigate into the various problems of Disabled women.
To identify the Social and biological effects of women disability.
The present study is based on primary and secondary data collected from books, Journals and other available literature on internet and the primary data is based on case study method. The researcher selected average 05 women disabled from each of the direction in Chittapur Taluka, namely East, west, North, south, and, central of the Taluka, 25 women with disabled respondents were surveyed to complete the present study. Hence the sampling is made on the basis of stratified
Random sampling method. Interview was addressed to the women with disabled in chittapur taluka.
Limitations of the study:
This project focuses only the women disabled in chittapur taluka, whereas only 25 sample have selected to study.
Analysis and interpretation of Data:
The primary data is collected through interview schedule tools comprising 30 question based on structured un structured and open ended while part A comprises of Demographic details of the respondents and part B comprise of question on various hurdles of the respondents collected data is analyzed and interpreted using percentage method.
Demographic profile
Table 1.1
Caste of the Respondents
S.No | caste | frequency | percent |
1. | SC | 10 | 40 |
2. | ST | 04 | 16 |
3. | OBC | 11 | 44 |
TOTAL | 25 | 100 |
The table 1.1 reveals the fact that respondents belonging to sc are more (40) percent whereas (16 %)
are ST and 44 percent were OBC groups. Inference can be drown that, the majority Disabled women can seen in chittapur taluka.
Table 1.2
Age wise distribution
S.NO | Particulars | frequency | percent |
1. | 18-22 | 05 | 20 |
2. | 23-27 | 10 | 40 |
3. | 28-33 | 08 | 32 |
4. | 34-40 | 01 | 04 |
5. | 41-46 | 01 | 04 |
Total | 25 | 100 |
The table 1.2 reveals the fact that 20 percent are between the age of 18-22 years 40 percent are between the age of 23-27 years, whereas 32 percent are between the age of 28-33 years on the other hand 04 percent are between the age 34-40 years and the same 04 percent are between the age 41-46 years,
Table 1.3
Qualification of the Respondents
S.NO | Particulars | frequency | percent |
1. | Up to 10th | 11 | 44 |
2. | PUC | 08 | 32 |
3. | UG | 05 | 20 |
4. | PG | 01 | 04 |
5. | Research Degree | NIL | NIL |
Total | 25 | 100 |
The table 1.3 indicates that, there are more number of Qualification rate (44%) Up to 10th of the respondents whereas (32%) PUC, (20%) were under graduate and (04%) were post graduate. None of the respondents were pursuing Research Degree. Inference can be drown that the Drop out hurdles in higher education.
Table 1.4
Rural urban background
S.No | Native Place | frequency | percent |
1. | Rual | 10 | 50 |
2. | Urban | 15 | 75 |
TOTAL | 25 | 100 |
From the above Table 1.4 it is observe that out of total respondents (50%) are belonging to the Rural area whereas (75%) are belonging to the urban area.
Table 2.1
Economical background
Aspiration for Employments
S.No | Particulars | frequency | percent |
1. | Positive reply | 20 | 80 |
2. | Negative reply | 05 | 20 |
TOTAL | 25 | 100 |
From the above Table 2.1 shows the respondents Aspiration for Employment Out of total 25 Respondents (80%) answered in favour of. and (20%) answered in the Negative. Inference can be drawn that majority of the respondents were showing Aspiration for Employments.
Table 2.2
Preference of employment
S.No | Preference of employment | Frequency | percent |
1. | Government employment | 10 | 40 |
2. | Entrepreneur | 05 | 20 |
3. | Agriculture | NIL | NIL |
4. | Researcher | 08 | 05 |
5. | Artist | 02 | 04 |
Total | 25 | 100 |
The Table 2.2 shows that a majority (40%) of respondents Preference Government Jobs while (20 %) irrespective of the respondents Preference self-employment .Therefore inference can be drawn that 100% respondents were inclination to become Economically independents.
Table 2.3
Disabilities face hurdles in labour Market
S.No | Response | Frequency | percent |
1. | Yes | 20 | 80 |
2. | No | 05 | 20 |
Total | 25 | 100 |
The Table 2.3 shows that a majority (80%) respondents replied Disabilities face hurdles in labour Market. Inference can be drawn that Disabilities hindrance personality to development and progress. So it is not easy to become economically independents of the disabled person. They need special care by the Authority.
Table 2.4
More challengeable Disabilities
S.No | particulars | Frequency | percent |
1. | Physical Disabled | 06 | 24 |
2. | Mental Disabled | 12 | 48 |
3. | Both Disabled | 07 | 28 |
5. | Nothing | NIL | NIL |
Total | 25 | 100 |
The Table 2.clearly shows that the majority (48%) respondents are opinion that the Mental Disabilities is More challengeable then the Physical Disabled while (28%) are said both are challengeable. Inference can be drawn that Mental Disabled are need more care and support with their guardian.
Table 2.5
Disabilities impact negatively on social participation and social relationship
S.No | Response | Frequency | percent |
1. | Yes | 21 | 84 |
2. | No | 04 | 16 |
Total | 25 | 100 |
The Table 2.5 clearly shows that a majority of the (84%) respondents replied positively . Inference can be drawn that on account of their disability and their Gender women with disabled face hurdles doubly.
Table 2.6
Biological effects of disabilities
S.No | particulars | Frequency | percent |
1. | Bowel or blodder | NIL | NIL |
2. | Fatique | NIL | NIL |
3. | injury | NIL | NIL |
5. | Mental health and depression | NIL | NIL |
6. | Overweight and obesity | NIL | NIL |
7. | Oral health ,Astama, | NIL | NIL |
8. | All the above | 25 | 100 |
9. | Not replied | NIL | NIL |
Total | 25 | 100 |
The Table 2.6 clearly shows that biological effects of disabilities, overall(100%) respondents replied all the above particulars effected. Inferences can be drawn that due disabilities disabled women dually marginalized on account of their disabilities in general and biological injury in particular.
Finding and Conclusion :
In Chitapur taluka the majority population belongs to ST (Tribles Lambana) caste whereas the majority of the respondents belongs to OBC(44%) and only (16%) belongs to ST Lambana caste. There are 4 member (44%) respondents are up to 10th standard and only 4% are perceive PG course. While none of the respondents were in research degree. (40% ) despondence in the age group of 23-27 only (8%) are in the age group of 34-40) . A majority(75%) are belonging to urban area and only (50%) are belonging to rural area.
(80%) of respondents shows desire to become economical independence. While (20%) respondents said that it is very challengeable to survive in labour market.
It has been observed by the researcher on every year honorable local MLA identified the physical disabled female and distributes wheelchair accessible vehicles and computer systems.
A majority (40%) respondents preference for Government jobs while (20%) preference for entrepreneurs. (80%) respondents face various types of adults in labour markets like sexual harassment physical violence and abuse.
A majority (48%) were stressed that mental impairment is more challengeable then irrespective of other disabled while only (8%) were said both disabilities are challengeable. An (84%) respondent reveals the fact that disability impact negatively on social relationship and social participation while (16%) are opinion that they enjoy equality, overall (100%) respondents accepted biological injury due to disability.
It can be concluded that, The respondents don’t live a normal, equal, enjoyable and happy life. They face many more hurdles in their routine and daily life because of their disabled and condition whereas they face discrimination in many areas including education, health and housing, employment violence and abuse, sexual violence limited rights lower feeling.
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