Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Social-Media and Social Networking: Good Governance
Assistant Professor, University School of Law, Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab
Every society understands civilization as well as development based on humanity, social relationship, responsible social media and social networking. It is a very crucial point to discuss at present time the relevancy and significance of humanities, art and social science, social media and social networking. Because it is generating a lot of strength in the country as well as puts seeds of weakness in the society. The Research Paper focuses on good criteria of humanity, a new dimension of social sciences, the limitation of social media power of social media, and the well-being of social networking also. The research methodology adopted by the author is doctrinal or non-empirical. The delimitation of study is only the security purpose of humanity, the role of social sciences i.e. law in defense purpose, arts use in security in the country, ethics and morality of media in favor of the country, etc.
Keywords: Good Governance, Humanity, Social Media, Transparency, Management.
Impact Statement
The Research Paper focuses on good criteria of humanity, a new dimension of social sciences, the limitation of social media power of social media, and the well-being of social networking also. The research methodology adopted by the author is doctrinal or non-empirical. The delimitation of study is only the security purpose of humanity, the role of social sciences i.e. law in defence purpose, arts use in security in the country, ethics and morality of media in favour of the country, etc.
About Author
Dr. Arti, is working as an Assistant Professor in University School of Law Desh Bhagat University Mandi Gobindgarh Punjab. She has written 32 research paper published in reputed and UGC Care list journal. Author ID: 6533715
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