Influence of Parental Religious and Socio–Economic
Status on the Wholistic Development of
Adolescents in Oyo Town Context
Jesuleye, Ruth Temitope
Baptist College of Technology, Oyo, Nigeria
This study titled “Influence of Parental Religious and Socio–Economic Status on the Wholistic Development of Adolescents in Oyo Town” was aimed at investigating the Parental influences in view of their religion and socio-economic status on the wholistic Development of Adolescents in Oyo Town. Some parents, because of their over religiosity in the church have neglected their wards. Also, the negative attitudes of parents in terms of their social interactions and economic dispositions towards the wellbeing of their Adolescents have also exposed their Adolescents to series of maladaptive behaviors. Therefore, the specific objective of this study is to harmonize the variables (Religion and Socio-Economic status) and examine the influence each of these variables has on the wholistic Development of Adolescents through variables such as intellectual, moral, physical, social, emotional and spiritual in Oyo Town. A descriptive research method was applied in conducting this research. The population of the study was the entire Christian parents and Adolescents in Oyo town. The sample of the study consisted of one hundred and twenty-nine (129) parents as well as one hundred and twenty-nine (129) Adolescents across different churches (denominations) in Oyo town. Five (5) research questions were raised to guide the study. A researcher designed questionnaire was used. The statistical package for the Social Science (SPSS) was used for the ANOVA and simple percentages. The instrument used was a reliable and validated questionnaire that was designed as data gathering instrument. The correlation coefficient ‘r’ of the instrument’s reliability test showed positive score of 0.907. The theoretical frame work used was anchored on Social Cognitive Theory propounded by Albert Bandura. The findings of study revealed that parents went to church with their Adolescents and their religious commitment was very high. The findings on economic status revealed that majority of the parents were civil servants and they sent their Adolescents to the best schools within the town. The sociological findings revealed that the parents were: Sociable, well-informed, cultured, responsible, morally-sound, Godly and contented. Furthermore, at the level of wholistic Development of Adolescents such as intellectual, moral, physical, social, emotional and spiritual in Oyo town, it was established that the Adolescents’ physical development was highly significant. Similarly, the level of intellectual development was very high. The level of moral development was of great importance, while the level of emotional development was not as high as the rest. The level of social development was high while that of spiritual development was highly significant. The last finding revealed that there was a strong positive influence of parental Religio and Socio-economic status on the wholistic Development of Adolescents in Oyo town. As a result of the findings recommendations were made, and some which were: parents should balance spirituality commitment to church activities and other areas of their Adolescents’ lives for holistic Development. They should also create conducive environment for social interactions with their young ones.
Keywords: Parental Religious Influence, Socio-Economic Status of Parents, Adolescents, Wholistic Development.
Impact Statement
aimed at investigating the Parental influences in view of their religion and socio-economic status on the wholistic Development of Adolescents in Oyo Town. Some parents, because of their over religiosity in the church have neglected their wards. This study will impact the parenting and managerial skills of the parents in respect to adolescents. It will recommend parents and how they should work on the emotional development of their pre-adolescents. For parents to do so, they need to work on their attitudes because right attitude strengthens emotions
About Author
Ruth Temitope Jesuleye, Ph.D is a lecturer at the Baptist College of Theology, Oyo, Nigeria. She has served in different capacity of the College. She had served, on two occasions as Chaplain of the College. She is the immediate past Head of Department of Religious Education and the current Dean of Academic Affairs of the College. She is a member of National Association of Study of Religious Education (NASRED), Africa Baptist Theological Education Network (ABTEN), International Council of Higher Education (ICHE) and West Africa Association of Theological Institutions (WAATI)). She is a Christian Educator with Childhood and Psychology as areas of specialization.
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