Examining The Toll of Inadequate Compensation on Teacher Turnover in Senior Secondary Schools
Srivastava, Neha1 and Singh, Seema2
1Research Scholar, Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
2Assistant Professor, School of Management, Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
This comprehensive review delves into the critical nexus between teacher compensation, benefits, and the escalating turnover crisis within senior secondary schools. This framework investigates how inadequate compensation, salary disparities, and a dearth of perks contribute to educators’ decisions to stay or seek alternative opportunities. By synthesizing these findings, this paper provides a holistic understanding of the toll inadequate compensation takes on teacher turnover in senior secondary schools. In the world of education, this research tries to point out an important issue, asking us to take a closer look at how well teachers are financially supported as they shape the future generation.
Keywords: Compensation challenges, teacher attrition, educator retention, workplace incentives, educational finance, workforce sustainability
Impact Statement
The research paper titled “Examining the toll of inadequate compensation on teacher turnover in senior secondary schools” investigates the critical issue of how insufficient compensation impacts teacher turnover rates in senior secondary educational institutions. Through rigorous analysis of various factors such as salary levels, workload, and job satisfaction, the study sheds light on the direct correlation between inadequate compensation and high turnover rates among teachers. By highlighting these findings, the research aims to underscore the urgent need for policy reforms and increased investment in teacher compensation to enhance retention rates, foster a stable teaching workforce, and ultimately improve the quality of education in senior secondary schools.
About Author/s
Neha Srivastava is an enthusiastic Research Scholar with a varied educational background. She is an MBA, M.Com., and B.Ed. With over nine years of teaching experience, Neha has honed her skills in education and academia. Her professional journey reflects a commitment to continuous learning and a passion for imparting knowledge. She is driven by a desire to contribute meaningfully to the field of education through research and innovative teaching methodologies.
Dr. Seema Singh is an academician, completed PhD from Indian Institute of Information technology, Allahabad. She has got published many papers in the field of Human Resource Management. She has 11years of teaching experience and presently working in BBD UNIVERSITY as Assistant professor.
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