The Role of Universities in Awareness Creation Towards Plastic Pollution Mitigation in Nigeria
Orji, Evelyn. I.1, Agnes, I. Ulayi2, Oke, Tope.O.3, Attah Frank M. 4, Anabaraonye, Benjamin5
1Institute of Education, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria.
2Department of Environmental Adult Education, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria.
3Department of Curriculum and Teaching, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria.
4Department of Sociology, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria.
5Benjy Poetry and Music Global Concepts, Awka, Nigeria.
The continent of Africa just like other continents is experiencing the negative impact of plastic pollution as well as other environmental pollution related issues. Plastic pollution is therefore an issue of great concern to communities, cities and campuses across Nigeria. Federal and State Ministries of Environment and other environmental related NGOs in collaboration with Universities in Nigeria need to join hands in fighting this menace. This study vividly identifies the role of universities in awareness creation towards plastic pollution mitigation in Nigeria.
Keywords: Climate Change, Education, Nigeria, Plastics, Pollution, Universities
Impact Statement
The continent of Africa just like other continents is experiencing the negative impact of plastic pollution as well as other environmental pollution related issues. Plastic pollution affects every part of human live and livelihood. Plastic pollution is therefore an issue of great concern to communities, cities and campuses across Nigeria. Federal and State Ministries of Environment and other environmental related NGOs in collaboration with Universities in Nigeria need to join hands in fighting this menace. This study vividly identifies the role of universities in awareness creation towards plastic pollution mitigation in Nigeria. Awareness creation as a plastic pollution mitigation strategy would help equip individuals, staff and students of universities and the general public with knowledge on how to reduce their contribution to plastic pollution to engender a sustainable environment. This includes promoting plastic recycling, reduction in manufacturing and consumption of one-use plastic products, and enforcement of policies on mitigation by government agencies on environmental protection.
About Author/s
Dr. Evelyn.I. Orji is a very passionate early career researcher. Her PhD was obtained in 2021. Her research interest majorly focuses on personal, educational, social, and school intervention projects which extends to developing socio-emotional skills of students, discipline and students’ rights advocacy for equitable and inclusive school conditions that favor special needs. Other interests include green entrepreneurship education and Agri-waste management for poverty alleviation among women. Her special interest is also on issues of peace and climate action. She is an alumnus of United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) based in Switzerland. She is a member of Nigerian Council of Educational Psychologists (NCEP), and World Council on Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI, Nigeria chapter). She is happily married with children.
Dr. (Mrs) Ulayi Agnes Ingiagar is a Lecturer at the University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. Her Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.) is in Environmental Adult Education. Her research interest lies in women development and empowerment. She is specialized in Tourism & Eco-Management. She is happily married with children.
Mrs. Oseola Tope Oke is God-fearing, kind and peace-loving. She has a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. She is presently a PhD Student of Curriculum and Teaching, in the Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria. She has attended more than ten academic conferences attendance, and published about five research paper publications in reputable journals. She is an entrepreneur. She is happily married with children.
Dr Frank M Attah holds a Doctorate degree in Development Sociology and presently a senior lecturer in the Department of Sociology, University of Calabar, Nigeria. He has a good number of publications in both local and international journals in diverse areas but with particular interest in social engineering approach to community development and poverty reduction issues. Dr also has a number seminar experience to his credit, a social mobilizer and indeed, critic of injustice, with a philanthropic disposition. He is happily married with children.
Benjamin Anabaraonye is an associate researcher at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. He is the CEO of the BENJY POETRY AND MUSIC GLOBAL CONCEPTS, a company which exists to educate and inspire communities and institutions in Nigeria on climate change adaptation and mitigation through poetry recitations, seminar presentations and research collaborations. In 2016, Benjamin received the Green Champion awards from the United States Department of States through the Young African Leaders’ Initiative (YALI) for facilitating an event on Understanding Climate Change in Nigeria. In 2019, Benjamin received the World Environment Day Hero Awards for facilitating a world environment day event from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). In December 2020, He received the global ambassador award from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany during their World Sustainable Development Teach-In_Day2020 event. In November 2023, He received the award of honor from the Faculty of Rutgers School of Public Health for impactful research paper presentation at the International Virtual Climate Change education Summit 2023. Benjamin has received trainings and professional certifications in the field of climate change from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
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