International Council for Education, Research and Training

Driving Change of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in India: How Technology Readiness (TR) and Social Influence (SI) Moderate Electric Vehicles (EVs) Purchase Intentions

Patel, Nilesh Kumar L.1

1Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College, VNSGU, Surat, Gujarat

Patel, Khushbu A.2

2Shree Uttar Gujarat BCA College, VNSGU, Surat, Gujarat

Datta, Jayshri S.3

3Shri V. R. Patel College of Commerce, Mehsana, HNGU, Patan, Gujarat


 The Indian automative industry shifts towards the transition from gasoline- powered vehicles to Electric Vehicles (EVs) emphasizing the understanding of key drivers for the EVs adoption. The study investigated the factors affecting EVs adoption with moderating effects of Technology Readiness and Social Influence. The study investigated how TR and SI moderated the relationship between key variables like Perceived Benefits (PB), Environmental Attitude (EA), Government Incentives (GI) and Perceived Barriers (PBA). The quantitative research approach was used to collect data from existing and non-existing EV owners. Technology Readiness (TR) was found to moderate the relationship between Perceived Benefits (PB) and Intentions to Purchase (IP) indicating technology ready people can translate their perceived benefits into purchase decision. Social Influence (SI) positively moderated the relationship between Perceived Benefits (PB) and Intentions to Purchase (IP) as well as Perceived Barriers (PBA) and Intentions to Purchase (IP) indicating individuals are highly affected by social influence to overcome their perceived barriers to purchase EVs. Technology Readiness (TR) was not found to be moderated on Perceived Barriers (PBA) and Government Incentives (GI). Social Influence (SI) was also not found to moderate on Environmental Attitude (EA).

Keywords: Electric Vehicle (EV) Adoption, Structural Equation Model, PLS-SEM, Factors Affecting EV, Moderation Analysis.

Impact Statement

The findings of this study entitled “Driving Change of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in India: How Technology Readiness (TR) and Social Influence (SI) Moderate Electric Vehicles (EVs) Purchase Intentions” offer prescriptive information to the Indian policymakers, manufacturers, and marketers pertaining to behavioral factors influencing the intentions to adopt Electric Vehicle (EV) in the Indian context. This study shows how Perceived Benefits (PB), Perceived Barriers (PBA), Government Incentives (GI), Environmental Attitude (EA), Social Influence (SI) and Technology Readiness (TR) influence the consumers’ decision. Nevertheless, it emphasizes on the importance of social factors to enhance the perceived benefits and to minimize the perceived barriers on the intended behaviors. The work shows the applicability of governmental promotion and versatility when it comes to people’s technological literacy. These findings can guide interventions aimed at increasing the usage of EVs in India and in the process can contribute to lower carbon emissions, better quality of air, and stable energy demands. Thus, by identifying subtle factors that affect the intensions to purchase electric vehicles, this research makes a suggestion in establishing better policies and marketing strategies for India to transform towards green mobility and advance the country’s climate change goals.

About The Author

Dr. Nileshkumar L Patel is working as Assistant Professor at Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College, VNSGU, Surat with over 12 years of experience, he holds Ph.D. in Management Studies from Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar in 2024. He has completed MBA (Finance) from Gujarat Technological University (GTU) Ahmedabad in 2011 with First Class. He has taught various subjects like Stock Exchange and Portfolio Management, Human resource Management, Organization Behaviour, Business Environment etc. He has published two books in “Elements of Economics” and “Human Resource Management”, and also published 10 research papers and attended 4 conferences.

Dr. Khushbu Patel is working as Assistant Professor at Shree Uttar Gujarat BCA College, VNSGU, Surat. She has completed Ph.D. in Computer Science from Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar in 2024. She has completed post-graduation in M.Sc. (I.C.T.) from Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU), Surat with distinction in 2013. She has published nine research papers and attended four conferences. She has expertise in various subjects like DBMS, RDBMS, ASP.NET, VB.NET, python etc.

Dr. Jayshri S Datta has completed Ph.D. in Economics from HNGU, Patan in 2018, M.Phil. in Economics from HNGU, Patan in 2020, MBA in Marketing Management in 2001 from HNGU, Patan and also hold MA (Economics) and BA (Economics) from HNGU, Patan. Dr. Datta’s areas of expertise include (but not limited to) Economics, Business Environment, Marketing Management, with more than 24 years of academic experience and also hold an award such as National Academic Leadership-2020 by I2OR Academy. Dr Datta has more than 30 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and also participated and conducted FDPs including “Challenges in Management Education in the Context of Industry 4.0” in 2023, and also hold two patents “An Automated centralized oxygen ventilation control system, Indian Patent, Publication Date: 13/10/2023” and “Soil mapping device for agriculture use, Publication Date: 08/01/2024”. Dr Datta also published five books of various subjects and conducted expert lectures in various universities and colleges.



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