International Council for Education, Research and Training

Reconditioning Indian Values in Learners Through Teachers, Parents & Society

Yadav, Deepika

Department Of Education in CSJMU (Kanpur University)


 Man’s Humanity is reflected in his values or it can be said that values provide a strong Foundation to Human life in the true sense. On the strength of which they face the challenges boldly and provides the right direction to himself and the society which is helpful in building an Advance Nation. Value based Education is not an Alien Concept but it has been another important aspect of Indian Education since Ancient times. Our Religious Texts, History, Characters and values of Great Men have always had a deep impact on human life and have shown people a new path to Incredible Ideals and self-respect. According to the Bhagvad Geeta (अध्याय 2 श्लोक 3): – 

क्लेयं मा स्म गम: पार्थ नैतच्वय्युप पद्यते

छुद्रम हृदय दौर्बल्यम त्यक्तवोतिष्ट परंतपः ।।

भावार्थ :- भगवान कृष्ण अर्जुन को समझाते हुए कहते हैं किहे अर्जुन ! नपुंसकता को मत प्राप्त हो, तुझमे ये उचित नहीं जान पड़ती। हे परंतप ! हृदय की तुच्छ दुर्बलता को त्याग कर युद्ध के लिए तैयार हो जा अर्थात् यहाँ अर्जुन (हम लोग ) हैं और युद्ध हमें अपने अंदर व्याप्त बुराईयों से करना हैं Today’s generation, under the influence of its own selfishness, Pleasures and indulgences is abandoning the interests of the coming Generation which is creating obstacles in building an Excellent India. The blind race of Modernity, Greed, Deceit, Fraud and Thirst have increased so much that today in our Country’s ideals and values have to be implemented in the Syllabus through NEP-2020. 

Keywords: Values, Learner, Teacher, Society and Parents.

Impact Statement

This research paper is about Indian values and their supporting pillars like – Teachers, Parents and Society. The Entire Research Paper is based on Value Education. The need of values in life of learner, responsibilities of Teachers, Society and Parents; have been kept at the center. All the Ideas have been presented on the basis of Official Documents of NEP-2020, National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage-2022 and authentic Research Papers. All the information has been taken from the official site of the Indian Government. Descriptive and Open Approach have been maintain for this study. This research will provide additional inputs to educationists on the recommendations of the NEP 2020. 

About The Author

Ms. Deepika Yadav is Research Scholar in Department of Education, CSJM University Kanpur University. She has passed M.A. in Education, 4 Times NET Qualified, and currently pursuing Ph.D. in Education. She is enthusiastic learner and has participated in various National and International Conferences.

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