Exploring Transversal Green Skills Required Of Technology Graduates For Environmental Sustainability
Hamza, Samaila1, Muhammad, Abubakar Ibrahim2 and Jogana, Musa Ali3
1Department of vocational and Technology Education, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria
2Department of Metal Work Technology, School of Secondary Education (Technical), Federal College of Education (Technical), Bichi Kano Nigeria
3Department of Building Technology, School of Secondary Education (Technical), Federal College of Education (Technical), Bichi Kano Nigeria
The main aim of this study is to explore transversal green skills required of technology graduates for environmental sustainability. Thematic analysis was used for this study. Cluster sampling technique was used to sample four states out of seven states mentioned in the area of the study and all the 18 technical colleges and 6 building construction firms in the four sampled states in north western Nigeria were used. Purposive sampling was used to select 27 experts based on their working experience and educational qualification in building construction to participate in the qualitative segment of this study. For the qualitative section, interview guide/protocol was developed based on the specific objectives of the research. It was made up of 3 open-ended questions designed to obtained sufficient information on the area of transversal green skills considered appropriate for the study. To ensure reliability of qualitative result of this research, two procedures were followed; member checking and peer debriefing. For the validity of the findings of this study, the researchers used member checking to determine the accuracy of the findings. The results of the data obtained from the interview was analyzed and interpreted using transcription, coding, thematic, content analysis and categorization. The findings for this study include Reflective Thinking Skills, Presentation Skills, Resourcefulness Skills and Application Skills. The study recommends that Federal and state Governments should via NBTE adopt and ensure proper implementation of this findings for technology graduates at technical colleges in Nigeria with the aim of achieving environmental sustainability.
Keywords: Exploring, transversal green skills, technology graduates, environmental sustainability.
Impact Statement
“Identification and understanding the transversal green skills required by technology graduates to contribute to environmental sustainability will enable Policymakers, Employers and Educators to develop training programmes and career pathways that support this goal.”
Dr. Samaila Hamza
Dr. Abubakar Ibrahim Muhammad
Dr. Musa Ali Jogana
About The Author
Dr. Samaila Hamza (Corresponding Author)
Dr. Samaila Hamza is a proficient researcher and academician in the field of Technical and Vocational Education. He acquired Ph.D Degree in Technical and Vocational Education from Universiti of Teknologi Malaysia. Dr. Hamza is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Vocational and Technology Education, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria. Dr. Hamza has contributed immensely to the development of Technical and Vocational Education with more than 20 publications and several conference papers. He is a member of Annals of Technology Education Practitioners Association of Nigeria (ATEPAN).
PROFILE: Abubakar Ibrahim Muhammad Ph.D (Co-author)
Abubakar Ibrahim Muhammad Ph.D is dynamic, qualified and technical educator who is attuned to the need of his students, with 28 years’ experience in education sector. He is an excellent curriculum interpreter, implementer and possessed a very good team working skills. A PhD holder in Technical and Vocational Education from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; MSc. Advanced Materials from Bolton University, United Kingdom; B. Tech. Industrial & Technical Education, Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria and Nigeria Certificate of Education, Federal College of Education (Technical) Gombe. He is currently working with Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi as Senior Lecturer. He was also Principal Assistant Education Officer (PAEO) with Kano State Science and Technical Schools Board, between 1994 and 2008. He is developing a plethora of excellent experience in scientific research and innovation, conducting an excellent research in technical education; entrepreneurship education and knowledgeable on how to sell new innovations for the benefit of humanity. He attended and presented papers at several conferences, workshops and seminars and has many publications in both local and international reputable journals. He participates in community and voluntary work.
PROFILE: Dr. Musa Ali Jogana (Co-author)
Dr. Musa Ali Jogana is an accomplished scholar and educator with expertise in curriculum studies. He obtained his PhD degree in Curriculum Studies from Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. He is currently serving as a Principal Lecturer at the Federal College of Education (Technical), Bichi, Kano state. Dr. Jogana has dedicated his career to the advancement of technical and vocational education with research interests primarily revolve around curriculum development and improvement in technical and vocational education. As a highly regarded academician, he has made significant contributions to the field through his research, publications, and involvement in various educational initiatives. Dr. Jogana’s commitment to excellence in education is evident in his teaching methods and passion for empowering students with the necessary skills and knowledge for success. He is widely recognized for his academic achievements and has been honored with numerous awards and accolades for his outstanding contributions to the field. With his extensive experience, Dr. Jogana continues to influence, shape and inspire future generations of educators and learners.
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