Ogwazu, Joyce Ezidiugo
Department of Primary Education Studies, Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria
Dynamics in education are changes teachers bring into classroom practices. The study focused on exploring the impact of pedagogical innovation on early childhood teachers’ classroom practices in selected Basic schools in Surulere Local Government Area, Lagos, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised all basic school teachers in Surulere, Lagos state. Simple random sampling technique was used to randomly select a sample size of 240 public basic school teachers in Surulere LGA. Ten teachers each in 24 schools were randomly selected. Two research questions in a-14 item statement instrument titled ‘Impact of Pedagogical Innovation and Teachers’ Classroom Practices’ (IPITCP) questionnaire was used to elicit information from respondents. Face and content validity of the instrument was carried out by Experts in Early Childhood and Measurement and Evaluation. The reliability coefficient of 0.80 of the instruments was derived through test-re-test. Data gathered were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency count, percentages and mean. The study identified the challenges associated with the adoption of pedagogical innovation, and examined impact of pedagogical innovation on classroom practices. The findings of the study revealed that pedagogical innovation had a positive impact on classroom practices which attributed to the improvement in teachers’ motivation towards teaching and learning, an increase in the level of pupils’ engagement and motivation, and an overall improvement in pupils’ learning outcome. The study also revealed that adoption of pedagogical innovation posed several challenges to the teachers, including inadequate access to technology, limited gadgets and resources, and inadequate training among others. Recommendations were made among others that training organized for teachers should be innovative in order to enhance their competence in ICTs. Also, Government, NGOs, PTA should assist in procuring ICTs gadgets among others.
Keywords: Impact, Pedagogy, Innovation, Early Childhood Teachers, Classroom Practices
Impact Statement
The study focused on pedagogical innovations on Early Childhood Teachers’ Classroom Practices. The following stakeholders would benefit from this study:
Teachers: Teachers would appreciate the importance of pedagogical innovation through utilisation of ICTs in teaching and learning.
Researchers: Researchers will see this study as a reference material for their further studies and academic work.
Pupils: Pupils would be prompted into showing commitment to ICTs competence.
Head of Schools: The findings would enable head of schools to allow their teachers to regularly attend workshops and seminars and see the need to provision of the gadgets in schools.
Parents: Parents would know the importance of ICTs and the provision of ICTs gadgets for their children.
The Community: The community will understand why children should be exposed to ICTs usage early enough. It will prompt them to make such provisions for the schools in their locality.
About Author
Joyce Ezidiugo OGWAZU (NEE NNEBUE) is an academic; a researcher, a seasoned and a professional teacher, certified and licensed by Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN). She has been in teaching profession for twenty-five (25) years in Nigeria. Joyce attended the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka for her first degree, where she graduated with a second class, upper division (21) in Education/Igbo/Linguistics in 1998. She obtained a Master’s Degree from University of Lagos, Nigeria (University of First Choice) in Linguistics/Igbo in 2010, and another Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education in 2015 from the same University of First Choice. Currently, Joyce is running a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programme in Early Childhood Education from the same University of Lagos. Mrs. Ogwazu’s teaching career started during her National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) at University of Jos, Nigeria (Centre for Continuing Education). At present, she lectures at the Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria in the Department of Primary Education Studies. Her core-values are: hard work, collaboration, truthfulness, discipline, loyalty, enthusiasm and self-confidence. Joyce is a prolific writer who has authored four (4) text books to her credit; three in Nigerian language (Igbo Language), and one co-authored in Early Grade Reading. She has also published over 30 credible articles in National Journals and two in International Journals. Joyce is also a google scholar, has work in academia, and her Orchid number is Mrs. Ogwazu is a woman of sound moral ethics, and a disciplinarian to the core. She loves children and has flair for ethical principles. Her hobbies include among others Reading, Motivational Speaking, Listening to motivational Programmes, Listening to Soft Music, and Singing. Joyce belongs to many Professional Bodies which include Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), Early Childhood Association of Nigeria (ECAN), Women in Colleges of Education (WICE), and Forum for African Women in Education (FAWE), Association of Teachers in Tertiary Institutions of Nigeria (ASSOTIN), and Nationwide Association for the Advancement of Knowledge (NAFAK), among many others. Her inspiration and moving wheel is from PhilIppians 4:13 (NIV), ‘I can do EVERYTHING through him who gives me strength. And from Helen Keller who says’ Alone, we can do so little, but together, we can do so Much’.
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