Redefining Employment Relations: Understanding Recent Advances and Innovative ideas Guiding the New Era of human resource development
Gupta, Taru
Associate Professor, Lucknow College of Professional Studies, Lucknow
The present research examines how advancements in technology can revolutionize the personnel (HR) industry. Innovative innovations are changing traditional HR procedures as businesses work to improve employee experiences and optimize worker management. The article presents a summary of the state of workplace technology today and highlights the main obstacles that HR practitioners must overcome. It explores the developments and possibilities of cutting-edge technologies for HR processes, including block chain, simulated and augmented reality (VR/AR), automation of robotic processes (RPA), computer vision (AI), and deep learning (ML). It also looks at cutting edge HR techniques like remote work, customer experience, flexible HR, and people analytics. The effects, difficulties, and ethical issues surrounding the adoption of such advances are also covered in the paper. It illustrates successful application through demonstrations and offers suggestions. For companies and staff members to successfully adopt and use HR breakthroughs in technology. The goal of the study is to advance knowledge of HR’s subsequent and how it might completely transform how employees are managed.
Keywords: Human capital analytics, customer service, agile personnel, telecommuting, remote staff administration, digital shift, blockchain as computer vision, predictive modeling, automated robotic procedures, augmented reality, virtual reality, or and individual data mining.
Impact Statement
This research paper highlights the impact of technology on HR industry. Integration of technology and recent advancements are changing the HR processes. So, redefining the employment relations is important. Block chain, AR/VR, AI, ML and RPA are greatly impacting the HR and customer experiences. The goal of the study is to advance knowledge of HR’s subsequent and how it might completely transform how employees are managed.
About The Author
Dr Taru Gupta is faculty of management at Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies having a number of quality research articles published in various journals. She has more than 14 years of professional experience in academics, research and consultancy.
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