International Council for Education, Research and Training

Challenges and Emerging Trends in Cyber Security

Bora, Rajani

Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, JIET, Jodhpur.


Cyber Security plays a very important role in the field of information technology. Securing the information has become one of the biggest challenges in the contemporary society. Whenever we think about the cyber security, the first thing that comes to our mind is ‘cyber crimes’ which are increasing tremendously day by day. Various government authorities and private organizations are taking many measures to prevent these cybercrimes. Besides various measures cyber security is still a very big concern to all of us. This paper mainly focuses on challenges faced by cyber security on the latest technologies. It also focuses on latest cyber security techniques, ethics and the trends changing the face of cyber security.

Keywords: Cybercrime, Hacking, Phishing, Vishing, Cybersquatting, cyber security, social media, cyber ethics, android apps, cloud computing.

Impact Statement

Presently, most of the commercial, economic, social, cultural, governmental activities and interactions of countries, at all levels, including individuals, non-governmental organizations and government institutions, are carried out in cyberspace. Recently, many private companies and government organizations around the world are facing the problem of cyber-attacks and the danger of wireless communication technologies. Today’s world is highly dependent on electronic technology, and protecting this data from cyber-attacks is a challenging issue. The purpose of cyber-attacks is to harm individuals and companies emotionally & financially.

The aim of this study is to comprehensively review and presented the standard advances presented in the field of cyber security and to investigate the challenges, emerging trends and recent developments of cyber security. It is expected that the comprehensive review study presented for ICERT on cyber security will be useful for further study.

Author’s Profile

Dr. Rajani Bora

Career Objective:

Her objective is to enhance the research & academic expertise and disseminate knowledge among students in order to contribute to the society and nation to build up a generation that vibe with ideas and innovation.

Academic Details: PhD,  MFC, BBA

The incumbent possess 14 years of teaching experiences in different organizations. She used to teach UG and PG level of classes. Presently she is teaching at JIET-Jodhpur. She is credited with number of Research Paper published in National and International Journals and Conferences. She is well versed with offline & online teaching processes also. Her primary research interest lies in the area of microeconomics. She is especially interested in how decisions with long-term strategic implications can disrupt our usual understanding of expected outcomes, and of exploring understudied business subjects where She possess some expertise. She has a demonstrated record of success as a teacher: this includes instructional seminars and cultural events for other faculty members and students in educational institutions.

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