Mentoring Approach for the Development of Beginning Early Childhood Teachers' Competencies in Selected Lower Basic Schools in Lagos, Nigeria
Ogwazu, Joyce Ezidiugo1, and Omotuyole, Christy2
1Primary Education Department, Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria
2Department of Social Sciences Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Mentoring approach promotes job satisfaction among beginning teachers and reduces their attrition and early exit among others. This study examined the Mentoring Approach for the development of beginning Early Childhood Teachers’ Competencies in Selected Lower Basic Schools in Lagos, Nigeria. A descriptive Survey Research Design was employed. Three research questions in an eighteen (18) item statement questionnaire and two hypotheses guided the study. Simple Random selection and purposive sampling were employed to select one hundred and twenty (120) teachers in twelve (12) lower Basic schools in Oshodi-Isolo LGA. The instrument ‘Mentoring approach for the Development of Beginning Early Childhood Teachers’ (MADBECT) questionnaire was used to elicit information from respondents. The instrument was validated by the supervisors, experts in Early Childhood Education and Measurement and Evaluation and was evaluated using Cronbach Alpha reliability consistency method. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for data analyses such as percentages, mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 significant level using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC) and Regression Analysis. The study finds out among others that mentoring enhances beginning teachers’ practices and competencies by being the easiest way of beginning teachers’ retention in teaching profession, supports the beginning and early career teachers to learn and build up professional skills, and, enhances beginning teachers’ motivation and commitment. Recommendations were made that among others, the Ministry of Education should adopt proactive measures to ensure that mentoring programmes is functional in schools through regular supervision of schools. In addition, a formal mentoring programme be encouraged by head of schools on individualised basis.
Keywords: Mentoring Approach, Development, Beginning Early Childhood Teachers,
Competencies, Pupils
Impact statement
The study is a Ph.D. pilot thesis centred on approaches to retain early career Early Childhood teachers. Lack of support system results in attrition, dissatisfaction and early exit. Support system through mentoring is not only an effective tool to supporting initial and early professional learning of a mentee but an effective mechanism to overcoming challenges of the dual nature of theory to practice.
Individuals: Individuals in academia and organisations will be aware of the need to be mentored.
Teachers and pupils: It will create greater awareness on mentoring and ways to improve school practices.
Students and Researchers: It will be a resourceful material and a reference point material.
Professional bodies: Professional bodies will find this study vital as communiqué
Teacher Education Programmes: Mentoring will be a tool for revamping and revatalising teacher education programmes.
It will create awareness and inspiration to administrators, curriculum planners, supervisors, State and Federal Government.
About author
Dr. Christy Omotuyole is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences Education, University Of Lagos. She is a Professional Educationist, Consultant and an Early Childhood Expert with over 25 years’ experience in teaching and training, whose areas of research interests cover Developmentally Appropriate Best Practices, Teaching Methodology, Teachers’ Professional Development Trainings and Special Education. She is a trained Montessori Directress from the College of Modern Montessori (RSA) and expert in High/Scope Approach from High Scope Institute, UK. She is a prolific writer and has presented papers at national and international Conferences. He has over 40 scholarly publications both in national and International Learned Journals. She had served as School Administrator at Christ, The Redeemer’s Schools, Iwaya, Lagos, Nigeria (Nursery/Primary and Secondary Institutions) between 2001 and 2011 before she joined the University of Lagos workforce. Dr. Christy Omotuyole is a regular facilitator in Training the Trainers and Teaching/Learning Solution Consults and an excited mentor to youths and adults.
Academic Qualificatiions
Ph.D in Early Childhood Education, University of Lagos 2011
Diploma in Montessori Teacher Training Course (RSA) 2006
Master in Education (M.Ed Educational Administration), University of Lagos 2001
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed Guidance and Counselling/
Language and Communication Arts), University of Ibadan 1996
Nigeria Certificate in Education, Ogun State College of Education 1989
MRS. Joyce Ezidiugo OGWAZU
Joyce Ezidiugo OGWAZU (NEE NNEBUE) is an academic; a researcher, a seasoned and a professional teacher, certified and licensed by Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN). She has been in teaching profession for over twenty-three (23) years in Nigeria.
Joyce attended the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka for her first degree, where she graduated with a second class, upper division (21) in Education/Igbo/Linguistics. She proceeded to University of Lagos, Nigeria for a first Master Degree in Linguistics/Igbo and a second Master Degree in Early Childhood Education. Currently, she is running a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programme in University of Lagos, Nigeria in Early Childhood Education. She currently lectures at the Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria in the Department of Primary Education Studies. Her core-values are: hard work, collaboration, truthfulness, discipline, loyalty, enthusiasm and self-confidence.
Joyce is a prolific writer who has authored four (4) text books to her credit; one co-authored in Language (IGBO) and Linguistics, and Early Grade Reading. She has also published over twenty five (25) credible articles in both National and International Journals. Joyce is a google scholar. She is a woman of sound moral ethics, and a disciplinarian to the core. She loves children and has flair for ethical principles. Her hobbies include among others Reading, Motivational Speaker, Listening to motivational Programmes, Listening to Soft Music, and Singing.
Joyce is happily married with promising children!
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