International Council for Education, Research and Training

Potentials of Blended Learning in Changing the Delivery of Literacy Education and Skills Acquisition in Nigeria in the Digital Age

Muibi, Taofeek Gbolahan
Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.


The potential for blended learning to change how literacy instruction and skill acquisition are delivered in Nigeria in the digital age, as well as its many advantages, are covered in the paper. Learning has become more appealing and efficient thanks to blended learning’s flexibility and interactive features. Additionally, it has helped students access education and helped faculty members get ready for the digital age of employment. In essence, it improves teaching and learning opportunities, student academic accomplishment, and access to education for all. In order to strengthen our literacy education delivery in Nigeria in light of the Covid-19 pandemic’s resurgence, blended learning must be included into the delivery of literacy education and the acquisition of skills. The concept of blended learning, a conceptual view of literacy in literature, a new construct of literacy and its recognition of its core values, a concept of skill acquisition, a theory of blended learning, roles of information and communication technology in blended learning effectiveness in the digital age, the challenges in integrating blended learning into Nigerian literacy education, and the conclusion are all explored in this paper. The report ends with suggestions for tactically implementing blended learning in Nigerian literacy and skill development. 

Keywords: Blended Learning Potentials, Literacy Education, Skill Acquisition Delivery, Digital Age

Impact Statement

This paper explored the impact of blended learning in promoting literacy education and skill acquisition delivery in Nigeria in the digital age, as well as its many advantages in using it. Blended learning has made learning flexible, effective and efficient.  In essence, it improves teaching and learning opportunities, student academic accomplishment, and access to education for all. In order to strengthen literacy education delivery in Nigeria in light of the Covid-19 pandemic’s resurgence, the need for blended learning integration for the delivery of literacy education and the acquisition of skills. Therefore, this paper found it useful the various blended learning options for Nigeria’s literacy education and skill acquisition delivery in the digital age given the multiple benefits of using it in Nigerian educational system. The study suggested that the government at all level should encourage all level of education system to incorporate the use blended face-to-face class; blended online class; the flipped classroom; the rotation model; the self-blend model; the blended MOOC and flexible-mode courses to overcome the 21st century education delivery challenges in Nigeria.

Author’s Profile

 Taofeek Gbolahan Muibi Ph.D.

ORCID iD-0000-0002-1188-7255

Taofeek Gbolahan Muibi Ph.D. is a Lecturer I in the Department of Adult Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Dr. Muibi’s specialization are in the areas of Literacy, Skill Development, Open and Distance Learning. He has published over 20 papers in local and international journals with high impact factor 


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