International Council for Education, Research and Training

Transformational Leadership Approach for Sustainable Christian Mission Engagement in the Community


Abolade, Gabriel Oluwaseyi

Doctoral Candidate, The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria



The transformational leadership approach emphasizes the leader`s ability to inspire and persuade individuals towards a shared vision, fostering a sense of commitment and empowerment within the organization. In the context of Christian missions, this leadership style is particularly relevant as it aligns with the principles of servant leadership and the mission to bring about positive change in communities. Transformational Leadership in Christian Mission Engagement involves four crucial components: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. By inspiring and empowering individuals, leaders can foster a sense of ownership and commitment among team members, leading to increased motivation and dedication to the mission. Moreover, sustaining a transformational leadership approach requires ongoing effort and vigilance to ensure that the values and vision remain central to the mission`s activities. Therefore, the transformational leadership approach is instrumental in driving sustainable Christian mission engagement. By embodying fundamental principles such as inspiration, empowerment, and individualized support, leaders can cultivate a culture of commitment and resilience within their organizations. While challenges exist, the potential for a positive impact on mission outcomes makes transformational leadership an essential consideration for those involved in Christian missions.

Keywords: Transformation, Leadership, Sustainable, Christian Mission, Community, Engagement.


Impact Statement

When transformational leadership is applied to sustainable Christian mission engagement in the community, this approach can have a reflective impact on the effectiveness and longevity of mission activities. By fostering a sense of shared purpose and vision, transformational leaders can create a strong sense of community involvement and commitment to the mission`s goals. One of the critical aspects of transformational leadership is its focus on empowering and developing followers. This empowerment not only enhances the capabilities of individual workers but also contributes to the overall sustainability of mission engagement in the community. Cultivation of a values-driven culture transformational leaders are known for their ability to instil a sense of shared values and ethics within their organizations or communities. By cultivating a values-driven culture within the community, transformational leaders can ensure that mission activities are carried out with a strong ethical foundation. Perhaps one of the most significant impacts of applying a transformational leadership approach to Christian missions engagement in the community is its contribution to long-term sustainability. By inspiring commitment, empowering workers, and fostering a values-driven culture, transformational leaders lay the groundwork for sustainable mission activities that can endure beyond short-term initiatives.


About Author

The writer, Gabriel Oluwaseyi Abolade, is a Christian, an ordained pastor and a missionary in the Nigerian Baptist Convention who has travelled to seven missions’ fields both home and foreign. He earned a B.Th. Missiology in the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria and is presently a PhD candidate in the same institution. He earned a Master of Art in Missiology from the Redeemed College of Missions, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria. He also got a Master of Science Degree in Intercultural Church Leadership and Administration from the Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. He has published two books, The Weapons of Christian Warfare and When Shepherds Slumber, and one article, Humanism In Education Philosophy and Its Implication to Christian Education and Practice. He is married with kids.




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