Ishola, Olufemi Jacob1 and Fatiloro, Olalekan2
1Faculty Members, the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Oyo State Nigeria
2Faculty of Education, Department of Administration and Leadership
The paper titled “Effective Communication as an Impetus for Conflict Management in a Multi-staff Pastoral Setting” is descriptive research that explore the conflict management models, communication tools in Multi Pastoral setting. Knowing fully well that the work of ministry is enormous, there is therefore the need to engage more than one pastors in a local church to effectively facilitate ministerial assignments. Accomplishing this comes with several changes, conflict inclusive. Hence, the researcher interest in engaging meaningful communication to salvage conflict among members of pastoral staff. Thus, the paper clarifies the concepts, multi-pastoral Staff ministry, effective communication, and Conflict management. The work further probes into nature of conflict in multi-pastoral staff ministry and addresses the issue of managing conflict using effective communication principles. The research discovered that conflict among members of pastoral team can be managed when all pastoral team prepared to communicate well and clearly; they are ready to not only seek to be understood but to also understand, they are mindful of their tones as well as the basic content of the message; they consult with others whenever major decisions are to be taken, among others.
Keywords: Communication, Conflict Management, Multi- Staff, and Pastoral Ministry.
About Author/s
Olufemi Jacob Ishola is a faculty member of the prestigious Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso and a Doctor of Philosophy Candidate specializing in Administration and Leadership. He teaches Leadership Principles, Recruitment and Training; Church Administration; and Educational Administration in the same institution.
Olalekan O. Fatiloro, Ph. D is a member of faculty of the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso in the department of Administration and Leadership where he teaches Church Administration and Leadership related courses. He is currently the Head of the same department.
Impact Statement
Conflict is inevitable, and its presence often signifies the healthy status of an individual, group, and organization. In other words, conflict makes people face the reality of life and helps people think creatively, alternatively, and critically to ensure better management of people. Pastoral ministry, being one of the collaborative ministries, is also challenged by this kind of experiment, especially where two or more pastors are working together to achieve a common goal. Hence, effective communication is a critical tool for its management whenever this challenge occurs. Thus, the researchers attempted to discuss communication in the context of multi-staff pastoral ministry. This research aims to benefit local Church assemblies and their pastors. The beneficiaries shall be exposed to effective communication to ensure proper conflict management. In particular, a relational communication model that suits operational context would no doubt aid multi-staff pastoral ministry.
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