International Council for Education, Research and Training

Humanism In Education Philosophy and Its Implication to Christian Education and Practice

ABOLADE, Gabriel Oluwaseyi

Postgraduate Student, The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso



Education philosophy plays a critical role in shaping educational practices and approaches. Humanism as philosophy has gained popularity recently, particularly in secular schools and institutions. However, its implications for Christian education and training are poorly understood, so in this paper, we will explore the critical tenets of Humanism in education and their implications for Christian educators and practitioners. This paper explores the concept of Humanism in education philosophy and its implications for Christian education and practice. Humanism in education philosophy is rooted in the belief that education should focus on the holistic development of individuals and place the individual at the centre of the learning process, emphasizing the development of human potential and fostering a well-rounded education. This approach focuses on critical thinking, creativity, and personal growth, empowering students to participate in their learning process actively. The implications of Humanism in education philosophy for Christian education and practice are significant, as they raise questions about the integration of faith and secular knowledge, the role of moral values, and the purpose of education within a Christian context.


Keywords: Humanism, Christian, education, philosophy, development.


Impact Statement

Humanism in education philosophy has had a profound impact on the way education is approached and implemented. It emphasizes the importance of individuality, critical thinking, and personal development, focusing on the holistic growth of students. This philosophy has implications for Christian education and practice as it challenges traditional authoritarian teaching methods and encourages a more student-centred approach. By integrating humanistic principles into Christian education, educators can create a fostering and all-encompassing environment that fosters spiritual, moral, and intellectual growth in students. This approach aligns with the Christian values of love, compassion, and respect for individual dignity, ultimately enriching the educational experience for both students and educators.

About Author

The writer, Abolade, Gabriel Oluwaseyi is a Christian, an ordained pastor and a missionary in the Nigerian Baptist Convention who has travelled to seven missions’ fields both home and foreign. He earned a B.Th. Missiology in the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria and is presently a PhD candidate in the same institution. He earned a Master of Art in Missiology from the Redeemed College of Missions, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria. He also got a Master of Science Degree in Intercultural Church Leadership and Administration from the Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. He has published two books, The Weapons of Christian Warfare and When Shepherds Slumber, respectively. He is married with kids.




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