Talabi, Joseph Moyinoluwa1, Oyewusi, Obe Olubunmi2, Akinsanya, Exradallenum Olusegun3, Okusanya, Samuel Oludare4 and Oyetoro, Taiwo Rebecca5
1,2,4,5Department of Religions and Peace Studies, 3Department of Languages, Arts and Social Science Education, Faculty of Education,
1,2,4,5Faculty of Arts, Lagos State University, Ojo
This study explores the Jewish concept of slavery and compares it to the 21st Century African sojourners in Diasporas, with a focus on Nigerian professionals who have migrated to other countries in search of better opportunities. In contemporary affairs, Jews and African-Americans have cooperated in the Civil Rights Movement, motivated partially by the common background of slavery. The three types of slavery Africans have engaged in which are: 1. Colonial or force slavery by the European 2. Leadership slavery and, 3. Self slavery, (Talabi, 2021). Individual migrating in search of greener pastures shall be adequately discussed in this paper with empirical evidences. Drawing on historical and religious texts, the paper analyzes the Jewish understanding of slavery and the ethical considerations that arise from it. It also examines the experiences of Nigerian professionals in diasporas, highlighting their contributions to their host countries and the challenges they face as immigrants. Finally, this qualitative study discusses the implications of these experiences for contemporary discussions on migration and global citizenship, arguing that the Jewish concept of slavery offers a useful framework for re-thinking about the ethical dimensions of immigration policies and practices in the 21st Century due to the failures of African leaders in developing their respective societies and followership inability to lead peaceful protest that will propel rebuilding or happen African Governance.
Keywords: African Diasporas, Leadership, Nigerian’ Best Brains, Slavery, and 21st Century
Impact Statement
The study on the intersection of the Jewish concept of slavery and the experiences of African sojourners, particularly Nigerian professionals, in the 21st-century diaspora has significant implications. By drawing parallels between historical narratives and contemporary challenges, this research sheds light on the ethical dimensions of immigration policies. It provides a framework for evaluating the struggles faced by African diaspora communities, emphasizing the need for inclusive societies that recognize and appreciate diverse narratives.
The study extends beyond academia, offering insights for policymakers, community leaders, and advocates. Understanding the historical context of Jewish slavery enriches the discourse on human dignity, ethical treatment, and social justice in the context of contemporary migration. The importance of fostering inclusive environments that transcend cultural, historical, and geographical boundaries. By acknowledging and celebrating diverse narratives, society can move towards a more equitable and harmonious coexistence, embracing the wealth of experiences offered by individuals from the African diaspora and beyond.
Authors Profile
Joseph Moyinoluwa TALABI holds a PhD in Philosophy of Religion from Lagos State University. He is a Lecturer in the Department of Religions and Peace Studies, Faculty of Arts, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, where he lectures and researches the social value of religions. His areas of interest include but are not limited to, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology, Politics, Theology, Health and Sociology of Religion (Religion and Social Institutions). He has convened a great deal of experience in his few years in academic learning, publishing in local and high-impact factor journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. Some of these articles are in Q1 and Q2 Journals. Such as; Taylor and Francis, Human Vaccine & Immunotherapeutics, Oxford University, Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, Telematics and Informatics, Asian and African Studies, and Health Promotion International. Is a member of the Editorial Team; Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. He also reviews the Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work, Journal of Religion & Health (JORH), and World Journal of Education and Humanities.
Obe Olubunmi OYEWUSI
He is Lecturer in the Department of Religions and Peace studies, Lgaos State University, Ojo, and he has acquired lots of experience in academics and in the world of knowledge at large. He has published in local and international journal outlet and he is known for his ability to teach and impact knowledge to the emerging generations.
Exradallenum Olusegun AKINSANYA is a multidisciplinary scholar with postgraduate degrees in education, religion, conflict resolution and administration. He is a doctoral student and has published in local and international journals. He is also a published author. He is currently an academic staff in the Department of Languages, Art, and Social Science Education, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria. He is a reviewer for a notable international journal and belongs to several scholarly national and international scholarly organizations.
Samuel Oludare OKUSANYA he is a distinguished scholar in theology, with expertise in comparative religions, with interest in leadership, mentoring, and teaching leadership skills. He has contributed significantly to the evolving landscape of theological discourse, both home and in diasporas.
Taiwo Rebecca OYETORO holds B.A in Christian Religious Studies from Lagos State University, Ojo, with first class Hons. She is an upcoming scholar with vast knowledge in the areas of; Theology, basically in Old Testament Theology, Comparative Studies, Biblical Archaeology with kin interest in Old Testament and the relevance of Old Testaments studies to the contemporary times. She has convened a great deal of expertise in academic learning and publishing in reputable journals.
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