Relevance of Innovations in Educational Research Technology of Universities
Tiwari, Ajay Krishna
Academician, Economist and Ph.D. Guide
Have diverse purposes such as education, research, and social services, which are made up of different academic fields. It is a complex organization due to its complexity not only in higher education policy but also in science, technology, and innovation. Apart from being influenced by social and industrial policies, it is one of the important factors that influence the realization of policies. Therefore, how to qualitatively upgrade universities is an important issue while considering national strategies. This research paper first summarizes the role of universities in science, technology, and innovation policy, changes the environment around university systems, and reflects on innovation in university systems and organizations.
Keywords: Diversification of Universities, Knowledge Society, Classification of Universities, World Class Universities, Assessment Nation, University Organization, Academic Capitalism, Corporate University.
Impact Statement
This research paper/article is one of the important factors that influence the achievement of policies. Therefore, how to qualitatively upgrade universities is an important issue when considering national strategies. This paper first summarizes the role of universities in science, technology and innovation policy, changes the environment around university systems, and reflects innovation in university systems and organizations.
About Author
Dr. AJAY KRISHAN TIWARI, Sr. Lecturer in IASE /CTE for the last 23 years, I am Sr. H.O.D (HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) IASE Deemed to be University, I have 23 years U.G & 16 Years P.G M.Ed. & 14 Years research guide of Ph.D. & M.A
Education Experience.
Total Experience- 24 Years U.G & P.G Teaching & Research guide. 08 Years English medium Public School (I.P.S Certified) Sr. Secondary Schools. (24+8=32 Years)
Educational Qualifications- Ph.D. in Education, M.Phil. In Education, M.Ed. (Education), M. A Economics, M. Com (E.A.F.M).
UGC -API Score is 3500+ (According to UGC 120 API is essential for Professors)
Research Publications / Research Papers Presentation / Awards.
1-My 158 + Research Articles/papers are published in UGC-approved and International peer-reviewed refereed Journals & Educational Journals.
2-My 07 Books are published with International / National – ISBN. No-Publishers.
3-I am a chief editor of International Journals and associate editor/editor in 14 International Journals.
4-My 21 Book Chapters are published with International / National ISBN. No. Publishers.
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