Eduphoria - An International Multidisciplinary Magazine
An International scholarly/ academic magazine, peer-reviewed/ refereed magazine, ISSN : 2960-0014
Vol.02, Issue 04 (Oct-Dec 2024)

Dr Navneet Kaur
Chief Editor, Eduphoria
Namaste All!
As we present this new issue of Euphoria, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude for the remarkable contributions from our global community of researchers, educators, and trainers. Each piece in this edition reflects the spirit of inquiry, innovation, and dedication that defines our ever-evolving fields.

Dr Dilpreet Kaur,
Editor, Eduphoria
Dear Readers,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this edition of Eduphoria, the international interdisciplinary magazine published by the International Council of Education and Research. In a rapidly evolving global landscape, where the boundaries between disciplines are constantly blurring, Eduphoria strives to be a platform that bridges diverse fields of study, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and lifelong learning.

Prof. Dr. M. Amr Sadik, Professor IPE Management School, Paris| Page No. 05 - 10
I am sorry to hear that you have had a dysfunctional interview. Yes, I hear that, read that, and see that frequently and got disappointed. Interviewers, sometimes and regardless if they are recruiters or recruitment employees in an organization, have serious lack of judgement or imperfect selection process. Job interviews are typically important opportunities for both employers and employees to assess each other’s suitability for a position.

Dr Sandeep Kumar and Dr Simran | Page No. 11 - 19
Early childhood years are of crucial importance for the mental development of the child and possibly the ultimate level of development attained by an individual is determined by her experiences in the first five years of life. Practicing the right way to teach is the most important factor for every school. Therefore, educationists all over the world have been struggling to develop methods that can optimize the attainment of teaching-learning objectives

Dr. Dawodu, Rasheed. A Dr. Ogunbote, Shefiu Dr. Adegunle, Felix Omotayo | Page No. 20-25
Metalwork technology is a crucial component of vocational and technical education, particularly in tertiary institutions. The discipline equips students with skills in welding, machining, and fabrication. In Nigeria, the importance of technical and vocational education in general, and metalwork technology in particular, has been highlighted in national development plans. This metalwork field plays a pivotal role in driving industrialization, manufacturing, and the development of skilled labor for the country’s growing economy.

Daniel Ugwo| Page No. 26-32
Japa, is a coinage from the Western part of Nigeria where Yoruba language is spoken. Its literal connotation denotes ‘to skillfully depart in haste’. It has become a trending word for an uncontrolled migration by desperate or frustrated Nigerians searching for a conducive environment, greener than their primary source of livelihood. Most especially those that wish to breathe fresh air. At present, there may not be justifiable empirical fact to ascertain the total number of Nigerians living outside the shore of the country. However, various data from different sources show that certainly, millions of Nigerians are living abroad, especially in the western world. According to Abike Dabiri-Erewa, head of Nigerians in Diaspora commission,
Dr Navneet Kaur | Page No. 33 -35
Mindfulness, rooted in ancient traditions and popularized by modern researchers like Jon Kabat-Zinn, has been shown to improve attention, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. When
combined with an interdisciplinary approach in education, it creates a comprehensive framework that fosters both academic achievement and personal growth. This article explores how integrating mindfulness into various subjects, such as neuroscience, psychology, and pedagogy, can lead to a transformative learning experience.
Morounkeji Folarinle FASAKIN, Mujeeb Olanrewaju AKINWALE| Page No. 36-50
This study examined the factors influencing the selection and acquisition of clothing items
among undergraduates in Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State. Many undergraduates often
find themselves in situations where they borrow clothes for social events like parties, buy clothes on credit, or allocate a significant portion of their pocket money to clothing purchases. These behaviors stem from a desire to maintain a certain social image, adhere to fashion trends,
or fit in with peers, often leading to financial strain and dependence on borrowing. Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study.
Eke Ogbu Eke (Ph.D) | Page No. 51-64
This study investigated the digital competence of Nigerian teacher educators at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, (n=136) and Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri (n=191, 20% sample via purposive sampling) in Nigeria. Data were collected using an
18-item “Teacher-Educators Questionnaire on Teacher Educators’ Strategies for Professional Digital Competence” (TOEPG), validated by three experts and achieving a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.85. Findings revealed relatively high levels of digital competence but highlighted significant shortcomings in current professional development programs. Teacher educators expressed a strong need for more comprehensive, context-specific
Srikanth. H.G.| Page No. 65-71
The Open URL standard is an emerging protocol for transmitting bibliographic metadata about
digital objects between information services over the Internet, with an initial focus on bibliographic resources. Open URL is a standardized protocol that connects users directly to the complete text or extra information about a referenced resource. It is an essential tool for managing e-resources in libraries. It improves the efficiency and effectiveness of library services by improving access to resources, increasing interoperability, and facilitating resource
डा. शिखा त्रिपाठी | Page No. 72-78
बहुसंज्ञान विज्ञान क्षेत्र में एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय है जिसका संदर्भ मनोविज्ञान, जीवनिक विज्ञान, और कंप्यूटर विज्ञान में होता है। इसका अध्ययन और विकास विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में सृजनात्मकता को प्रेरित कर सकता है। बहुसंज्ञान के प्रयोग से समस्याओं का हल खोजने के लिए क्रिएटिव अनुमान, अद्भुत अनुसंधान, और नई तकनीकी उपाय विकसित किए जा सकते हैं। इसके लिए नए उपायों, उत्पादों, और सेवाओं का निर्माण किया जा सकता है जो समाज को सीधे या अप्रत्याशित तरीकों से लाभ पहुंचा सकते हैं। इसके अलावा, इसका अध्ययन और उपयोग सृजनात्मक सोच और नए विचारों को प्रोत्साहित कर सकता है, जो समाज में नई और अद्वितीय दिशाएँ प्रदान कर सकते हैं।“यह शोध पत्र लैटिन–अमेरिकी, यूरोपीय और एशियाई विद्यार्थियों के बीच बहुसंज्ञान का प्रयोग और उनकी सृजनात्मकता पर प्रभाव की एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन पर आधारित है। सैंपल शैक्षिक संस्थानों से विद्यार्थियों का चयन किया गया और उन्हें सवालनामा और बहुसंज्ञान से संबंधित कार्यक्रमों का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन किया गया।
Rimli Rajan.| Page No. 79-87
More than 100 years, the concept of Schizophrenia has not been completely explained. Still the exact cause for Schizophrenia has not yet been found out and illustrated completely. Due to parents who are suffering from Schizophrenia, their children are prone to psychiatric disorders. Their children are on a high risk to psychopathology. This article deals with the origin and symptoms of Schizophrenia. Due to the mental illness of the parents, the children face difficulty in trusting their instincts, feel devalued and dismissed, make concessions and make connections, live in utter sorrow and distress and they themselves become their own health-care provider.
Dr. Harjinder Kaur | Page No. 88-97
Vedic civilization is the oldest civilization in the world, and India was the first country to develop a better education system in the Vedic period. The Vedic education system, which is very relevant in the present times, is based on simple living and smart thinking. The discoveries, inventions, theories, concepts of modern times are largely based on Vedic knowledge/literature. Many scientists have studied Vedic literature to gain in-depth insights into scientific, spiritual, psychological, behavioural knowledge. The ancient Gurukul education system was respected worldwide due to its multi-faceted, life and scientific management approach, various skills and knowledge imparted from childhood. Development of leadership qualities, principles and concepts of management, teamwork
Obasi Samuel Chinwendu. (Ph.D.)| Page No. 98-113
This study investigated the perceptions of teacher educators regarding the English language
needs of Guidance and Counseling (G&C) students in Nigeria. The research involved 327
academic staff from the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU) and Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education (AIFUE). Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. Data were collected using a validated 18-item “Teacher-Educators
Questionnaire on English language needs of guidance Counseling Nigerian Students” (TOENGC). The instrument’s reliability was established using Cronbach’s alpha, yielding a coefficient of 0.85. Findings revealed a strong consensus among educators on the importance of specialized English language skills for G&C practice, including field-specific vocabulary, academic writing, and intercultural communication. Challenges in addressing these needs included large class sizes, varying student proficiency levels, and inadequate curricular focus on English for Specific
Purposes (ESP).