Eduphoria - An International Multidisciplinary Magazine
An International scholarly/ academic magazine, peer-reviewed/ refereed magazine, ISSN : 2960-0014
Vol.01, Issue 03 (Oct-Dec 2023)

Dr Navneet Kaur
“By learning Life Skills, you begin a path to independence and earn the trust of your care givers. This has a huge benefit- it will probably result in more freedom, greater self –reliance, more confidence and improved relationship with family and friends” — Scott Tednem

Ms. Pratishtha Gupta | Page No. 06-09
The concept of Plastic Free July Challenge came into existence about a decade ago. It is impossible to imagine our modern lifestyle without the use of plastics. They have proved to be of great utility in the past few decades…….

Dr. S Sriranjani Mokshagundam | Page No. 10-16
Parenthood, often heralded as one of the life’s most transformative experiences, is akin to undertaking a journey with twists, turns and moments that define a lifetime…..

Dr. Pushpanjali Singh | Page No. 17- 30
Natural polymers such as rubber, cotton, and silk exist in abundance, but nature’s “plastics” have not been involved in environmental spoliation,….

Prakasha C | Page No. 31- 40
This chapter has briefly touched upon various aspects of Educational Status Transgender People, such as the concept of Educational Status of Transgender People,….

Ms. SMRITI NAGARIA | Page No. 41 - 51
“Transforming India’s Agriculture, Supply Chain, and Marketing Reforms for a Self-Reliant India” is an article that explores the necessary changes needed in India’s agricultural sector to achieve self- reliance…..

Shazia Rahman | Page No. 52 - 61
Entrepreneurship is a term specifically entitled in the business category and whereas Innovation is entitled to do with a great and smarter idea that is made or developed using human intellect…..

नसीब कुमार | Page No. 62 -66
डॉ॰ भीमराव अम्बेडकर एक विश्व स्तर के विधिवेत्ता थे। वे एक बहुजन राजनीतिक नेता और एक बौद्ध पुनरुत्थानवादी होने के साथ साथ, भारतीय संविधान के मुख्य शिल्पकार भी थे । उन्होंने बौद्ध धर्म को ग्रहण करके समतावादी विचारों से समाज में समानता स्थापित कराई….

Dr. Shobha Chaturvedi And Mr. Akashdeep
Page No. 67 - 72
Green entrepreneurship is a business model that focuses on creating sustainable products and services while minimizing negative environmental impacts. It involves using environmentally friendly practices and technologies to create…..

Sujatha Balakrishna | Page No. 73 - 80
It was not long ago that we were kind of thanking the pandemic and lock down as it made us to stay at home and spend more quality time with our families. However, we fail to realize that….

Amal Joseph | Page No. 81 - 88
Green entrepreneurship is a business model that focuses on creating sustainable products and services while minimizing negative environmental impacts. It involves using environmentally friendly practices and technologies to create…..

Social media is one of the most familiar and prominent topics today. The development of new
technologies has changed the world completely….

Dr Simran Mehta | Page No. 93 - 97
Assessment is an integral part of pedagogy, which was earlier segregated, and indispensable tool
in teaching-learning process to enhance the academic performance…