Impact Of Relational Leadership on Effective Services of Church Volunteer Workers
Ishola, Olufemi J.
Lecturer, The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso
The church thrives on the effective engagement of volunteer workers who give their time, money, and talents to promote the gospel through cooperative work with the church pastors and other church staff. Upon this assumption, the writers intend to promote relational leadership theory that can help pastors and other church staff engage and maximize their potential. In achieving this singular purpose, the writers explored the relational leadership theory and described who volunteers are in the church context. The research also discusses relational issues among volunteer church workers, while impacts that implementation of this theory could have on church workers were finally explained. The article reveals that relational leadership would help leaders prioritize interest in the church volunteer workers’ personal life; encourages formal and informal communication; inspires teamwork; and guides church volunteer workers toward achieving their job descriptions.
Keywords: church, leadership, volunteer, effective, relational.
Impact Statement
Relationship takes premium when it comes to leading men and women to voluntarily work in the church. The better the relationship between the lead pastors and other ministers, the better their relationship with volunteer workers who have given up every right and privileges attributed to their positions to serve God towards achieving the great commission. Hence, this research delves into the concept of relationship as it affect the services of church volunteer workers. There is no gain saying that church volunteer work forces are often times more in number than paid staff engaged by the church to perform specific task. Therefore, if the best services is expected from the church volunteer workers, it will be of necessity for the pastoral team and entire staff of the church to engage relational leadership maximally to achieve whatever goals that have been set. This research would be of benefit to the church universal who have more volunteer workers to engage in doing the work of God.
About The Author
Olufemi Jacob. Ishola is a member of the Faculty of the prestigious Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, and a Doctor of Philosophy holder, specializing in Administration and Leadership. He teaches Church Administration, Educational Administration, and Leadership Principles, Recruitment, and Training; in the same institution. He’s also a Promoter of “Purpose Driven Life,” conceived by Rick Warren through conferences and outreaches for youth, teenagers, and primary school pupils. He further engages in volunteer ministry at Kersey Children Home (motherless home) in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
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