International Council for Education, Research and Training

Contemporary Ethical Issues in Church Information Management in The Contemporary Society

Ayo, Oladapo John

Senior Lecturer, Baptist College of Theology, Igede Ekiti


The church is public institution where probity and accountability in all aspects of her records, documentation and archives are to be held in high esteem. An institution that serves as resource Centre to the members and the entire populace thereby contributing to the development of the society. However, experience has shown that there are lots of ethical issues around this, there are cases records not well kept, records such as financial documents, historical information, activities of the church and so on. This problem has been the crux in scholarship that this paper is to fix.  The paper has adopted the historical research approach to put forward the need for probity and accountability in the information management of the church in the 21st century. The concern posited by the paper is ensuring that high standard of ethical behaviour is maintained in the pursuit of information management in the church. It also subscribes to the fact that churches should accord great importance to integrity, honesty and fair-play. In the light of this fact, the paper examined three points, the concept of probity and accountability; the importance of ethics in church information management and implications of integrity in church information management.

Keyword: Church, Information Management, Probity, Accountability, Ethics.

Impact statement

This study on “Ethical Issues in Church Information Management in Contemporary Society” contributes to the body of knowledge in information management, ethics, and religious studies. The research findings and recommendations have the potential to impact church practices and policies, promoting transparency, accountability, and probity in information management. This study aims to inform church leaders about ethical information management practices, enhance the integrity and credibility of churches, and contribute to the development of policies and guidelines for church information management. By addressing ethical issues, this study promotes a culture of transparency, accountability, and integrity, positively impacting the church, its members, and the broader community.

About The Author

Oladapo, John Ayo PhD. is a researcher in the field of religion with a special interest in Biblical Theology, Ethics, Pastoral Care and Counseling, Marriage and family life therapy. He is a senior lecturer at Baptist College of Theology, Igede-Ekiti and the Executive Director/President, Institute of Family Life and Societal Development of Centre for Blissful Home Initiative. He has authored Books, chapters in books and journal articles nationally and internationally.

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