Investigating Algebraic Simple Groups With Conjugacy Classes And Products
Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, NIILM University, Kaithal (Haryana)
Jakhar, Manjeet Singh
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, NIILM University, Kaithal (Haryana)
Algebraic simple groups, being non-abelian and lacking proper normal subgroups, represent a profound and captivating domain within group theory and algebraic geometry. In the pursuit of understanding these enigmatic entities, the study of conjugacy classes and products emerges as a key to unlocking their underlying symmetries and structures. Group members can be partitioned into different sets with the use of conjugacy classes, which group together equivalent elements under inner automorphisms to show similar algebraic features. The analysis of conjugacy classes provides deep insights into the dynamics and character of algebraic simple groups. On the other hand, group products explore the interactions between distinct elements, generating new elements within the group and unraveling its internal symmetries.
Keywords:Conjugacy,Algebraic, Groups, Products,Semisimple
Impact Statement
Member of the same conjugacy class cannot be distinguished by using only the group structure, and therefore share many properties. The study of conjugacy classes of non-Abelian group is fundamental for the study of their structure for an abelian group, each conjugacy class is a set containing one element (Singleton Set).
About The Author
My particular pleasure is pure mathematics. I have found mathematics a fascinating subject since my early years. I enjoy it as it is challenging and logical. I look forward to university life and facing both the academic and social challenges head-on. I am confident that my passion for the subject matter, diligence and enthusiasm will allows me to not only be a successful Student, but ultimately to pursue a successful Career in business upon these foundations.
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